Sunday, July 20, 2014

Should Evolutionists Stay Away From Doctors and Medicine? By Their Logic: YES!

Mike Shoesmith

I think I shall never forget a YouTube video I watched about ten years ago in which a young man in his twenties discussed a painful ear infection he was battling. To my amazement he went on to lament the decision he made to take antibiotics; a decision made for him by the pain no doubt.

"I believe in evolution and by taking the medicine I am hindering the evolutionary process," he said to the camera.

Upon further investigation I discovered his channel was dedicated to promoting modern atheism and deep time fish-to-men evolution. "Finally," I thought, "an honest atheist."

Any internal infection can kill you. A dental abscess has toxins that can poison your system. Ear infections are a particularly nasty infliction. Yet the evolutionist will ignore the demands of their theory and implement the aggressive use of force against the attempts of nature to kill us at nearly every turn.

And yet I find it equally disturbing whenever we encounter the evolutionist argument against biblical creationism in the form of their favorite red herring: "If you don't believe in evolution then don't take antibiotics or vaccines because, after all, bacteria and viruses evolve (adapt to our attempts to kill them) and medical science must always stay ahead of those evolutionary mutations in order to produce effective vaccines and antibiotics."


Therein lies the single greatest piece of evidence the deep time community has that fish became men, that is, that viruses become viruses and bacteria become bacteria. Therefore we Christians mustn't ever use antibiotics or vaccines because we refuse to believe that fish became men based solely on the fact that bacteria become bacteria and viruses become viruses.

Some of you might be thinking right now that I am totally making this up but no, I am not. We encounter this argument on a daily basis. In fact, when Ray Comfort took his cameras onto a university campus he encountered this very same problem from the professors and students themselves.

The Bible offers the most reasonable explanation for the need to use antibiotics and vaccines, etc. Because of the fall of humanity the earth is against us.
Genesis 3:17  ¶And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
18  Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
19  In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return
 Humanity was thrust into the position of requiring the aggressive use of force to keep sickness away because of this event which happened as the result of man's decision to disobey God. That is the creationist view of the world which lines up perfectly with the evidence and need for such aggressive items as antibiotics (which were accidentally discovered) and vaccines (developed by scientists with God-given intellect).

I am not sure what happened to the atheist in the video I mentioned at first. I hope he recovered from his painful infection and I hope he rejected the Darwinian demand that the bacteria kill him and take over the earth. Above all I hope the evolutionists embrace the knowledge of the truth that just because bacteria change into bacteria and viruses change into viruses that does not mean the evolutionist was once a fish.

1 comment:

  1. I have also had this same debate with atheists on the Internet. They have been told so many times about evolution, they just can't conceive that ALL THAT was a lie.
    I stopped telling them. I found it more effective to ask questions to assess their actual knowledge depth. (Almost always, very shallow. Any learning is typically the learning of Satan's disinformation.) Then, I ask them questions. These are designed to make them teach themselves. "Who owns 99% of text book publishing companies in America? What is the religion of this owner/these owners?"
