Thursday, August 7, 2014

On Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic Theology And The Liberal's Hatred Of Israel

By Chris Farrell


Israel is routinely villainized by the Liberal-fascist, otherwise known as Liberal-socialist, or 'Progressive' Democrats, on the Left--most especially by those within the media.

Joseph Farah, Chief Editor and owner of America's most trusted news website, addresses the crux of the issue in his inquiry formatted into the headline of his Aug. 6, 2014 Op/Ed 'Why Does The Left Hate Israel?'  

In order to rightly answer his question it is imperative for one to approach the issue employing a sound Israelology.

Those who seek Truth are blessed—thanks to God—to be able to turn to the definitive work on the subject relative to the question Mr. Farah posits: The book 'Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic Theology' by the most perspicacious Brother in the risen Lord Jesus of the Bible whom I've ever had the honor to have met in person, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum.

Dr. Fruchtenbaum "…wishes to do for Israelology what has already been done for the other major fields of Systematic Theology, for in the area of Israelology there is a great vacancy." (Pg.9. Introduction.)

"In all Systematic Theologies what exists of Israelology will only be partially developed. In Covenant Theology, the development will be minimal. In Dispensationalism, Israelology is only fully developed in its future aspect, not in its past and present aspects.
Logically, Israelology must come just prior to Ecclesiology and follow the same development. Both are a people of God but, historically, Israel precedes the Church. As Ecclesiology has been developed in its past, present, and future aspects, so must Israelology be. Only then will Systematic Theology be truly complete.

Hence, the significance, need, and title for this study: Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic Theology." (Pg. 10. Intro.)

"The issue of Israel is one of the major points of division in evangelical theology today. This is true both among Arminians and Calvinists. An evangelical theologian's view of Israel will determine whether he is a Covenant Theologian or a Dispensationalist. It will also determine what kind of Covenant Theologian he is: postmillennial, amillennial, or premillennial. The question of Israel is central for a proper Systematic Theology. Paul, in his epistle to the Romans, which contains the first Systematic Theology in Church history, expounds on Israel in the center of his epistle devoting three full chapters (9-11) out of sixteen to this topic. Yet, while there are many Systematic Theologies today which have systematized all areas of biblical truth, none thus far have developed an Israelology as part of their system." (Ch. 1. Intro. Pg. 1.)

"C. The Significance and Importance of this Study
In one form or another, proponents of all four systems of theology have wrestled with the question of Israel. All recognize the Jewish origins and roots of the Christian faith, and some kind of an official attitude towards the "People of the Book" has been displayed. In some, Israelology plays no vital role in their theology, whereas in others it is central.

Often it is the Israelology of a system that distinguishes one from another. Ryrie, a Dispensationalist, writes:
What, then, is the sine qua non of dispensationalism? …A dispensationalist keeps Israel and the Church distinct….
…This is probably the most basic theological test of whether or not a man is a dispensationalist, and it is undoubtedly the most practical and conclusive.1

A Key factor, then, that distinguishes Dispensationalism from all other theologies is its Israelology."

"2. Anti-Semitism
A basic definition of anti-Semitism is "the hatred or persecution of the Jew."1(The Curse of Anti-Semitism by Charles Lee Feinberg.) To dislike a person because he is Jewish is anti-Semitism. It could be passive or active, mild or severe. Anti-Semitism comes in various forms: political, national, religious, economic, social, theological, etc. The concern of Israelology is on theological anti-Semitism and its theological ramifications." (Pg. 836.)

The answer to Mr. Farah's question is that "Theologically, Satan is the cause of anti-Semitism. Dr. Feinberg has said it well:
What, then, is the true and only cause? In a word, it is Satan. The solution is to be found in Revelation 12. Satan hates the nation through whom has come so much blessing to the world, especially the Savior. First, the dragon is incensed against the child of the woman (Jesus Christ), then he goes to make war with the remnant of her seed, Israel. Moreover, when Satan is angry against Israel, it always culminates in defiance against the Lord Jesus Christ. The two are inseparable.1

Satan's war against the Jews between Abraham and the first coming was to try to thwart the first coming (Rev. 12:1-5). His present and future war against the Jews is to thwart the second coming (Rev. 12:12-14). It has been pointed out earlier that the basis of the second coming is Israel's national salvation and Jesus will not come back until the Jewish people ask Him to. If Satan can ever succeed in destroying the Jews before there is a national salvation, then Satan's career is eternally safe. For this reason he has had a perpetual, unending war against the Jew. This is why once the Tribulation comes and Satan knows his time is short, he will expend all his energies to try to destroy the Jews once and for all. The biblical cause of anti-Semitism is Satan. God permits it; and the reason it is within His permissive will is Israel's sins. Nevertheless, Satan is the cause and the Gentile nations are the means he uses." (Pg. 837.)

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