Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Report: The REAL War on Women!

September 17, 2014

"The kind of man who can be pro-choice about your baby could also be pro-choice about you." ~ Mark Crutcher, President of Life Dynamics, Inc.

Today, Life Dynamics Inc. a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas reports another incident in the real war on women

A Santa Fe man has received probation after beating and threatening to kill his pregnant wife telling her he would make sure she had an abortion.

According to the Santa Fe District Attorney's Office, 29 year-old Francisco Jasso, was arrested in January after  beating and threatening to violently kill his pregnant wife and her unborn baby.
The 26 year-old victim told authorities that her husband attacked her, hitting her multiple times in the face, held her against her will and even threatened her life and her unborn child's life saying, "I'm going to make sure you have an abortion before I leave."

After making the threat, the victim claims the suspect then went to the kitchen grabbed a large kitchen knife and when she tried to leave, threatened to stab her.
She says he then dragged her outside by her hair and destroyed her cell phone before bringing her back inside the residence and beating her again. 

Jasso was originally charged with assault with the intent to commit murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, battery against a household member, and interference with communications.

In September Jasso pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors: battery and assault against a household member will get probation rather than prison time under the terms of a plea deal with the District Attorney's Office.
Mark Crutcher, President of Life Dynamics, Inc., a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas, has documented that violence inflicted on pregnant women by pro-choice men who want their pregnancy aborted is nothing new. 

Life Dynamics has collected data on a large volume of these cases and compiled the data in a report entitled, "Under-the-Radar Violence in the Conflict Over Abortion."

Crutcher, who wrote the report says, "The early feminist leaders in this country were openly opposed to the legalization of abortion.  They understood that legalized abortion has nothing to do with women's equality.  Women don't need surgery to be equal to men.  What abortion is, is a safety net for sexually predatory and sexually irresponsible males.  What happens when men use abortion as a sort of safety net?  What do they do when the woman they've impregnated won't jump into the net?"

Life Dynamics also documents that the abortion lobby is aware of how common this problem is:

Crutcher states, "Over the years, we have acquired tape recordings of National Abortion Federation (NAF) conventions in which discussions about women being forced to have abortions were held. The prevailing attitude expressed in these sessions may best be described as one of "convenient indifference." Attendees will acknowledge the problem's existence and talk about it in disapproving tones, while making it clear that they feel no obligation to let it influence the way they deal with these women. Their philosophical position seems to be that, even if a woman chooses to have an abortion she doesn't want because of threats from others, it remains within the "pro-choice" purview since she was still the one who ultimately made the decision. In fact, on the NAF tapes mentioned above, some abortion clinic employees can be heard paraphrasing this very argument and using it to justify their habit of looking the other way. It is a truly bizarre rationalization analogous to saying that women who submit to sexual relations at the point of a gun are not really being raped since, technically, they are consenting."

Crutcher points at out that although there have been Herculean efforts by the abortion lobby to call for the protection of abortion providers against violence, they fail to make the same effort to protect these women from violence, "For political and public relations reasons, those who most loudly proclaim "a woman's right to choose," have shown no interest in "a woman's right not to choose." On one hand, they may not approve of women being bludgeoned or killed for refusing to have abortions. But on the other hand, they have made it clear that they are willing to write-off these women as just collateral damage in the war to keep abortion legal."

Crutcher warns women, "So if you are female, before you jump into bed with someone, it would be a good idea to find out his position on abortion.  After all, you don't want to be like the women listed here and find out the hard way that the kind of man who can be pro-choice about your baby could also be pro-choice about you."

Example of cases documented by Crutcher in the report!


On April 25, 2013 a  Buffalo man broke into the home of his pregnant girlfriend and attacked her, which led to the miscarriage of their unborn daughter.
Police say that 32-year-old Julien McCrayer was infuriated at the prospect of having to pay child support for another child.

McCrayer has been charged with burglary and abortion but pleaded guilty to second degree burglary on Tuesday.

The charge carries a maximum prison term of up to 15 years, while the second-degree abortion charge, which was subsumed into the burglary charge, carries a maximum of up to four years.
He will be sentenced June 23.


On, February 20,2014 agents of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and WaKeeney Police Department arrested 30 year old Scott R. Bollig for allegedly giving abortion inducing drugs to a pregnant woman.

Bollig, is accused of intentionally killing the 8- to 10-week-old fetus by putting a crushed form of the medication on a pancake eaten by the woman, according to a criminal complaint filed in Trego County District Court and posted on the attorney general's website. He is also charged with aggravated battery of the woman and the distribution of adulterated food, a misdemeanor.  He faces charges of murder in the first-degree and aggravated battery.

In January a Pennsylvania man was jailed on charges he punched a pregnant woman in the stomach and threatened to give her a "home abortion" during a domestic dispute. Franklin police were called after 23-year-old Kelton McClarr in allegedly "backhanded" the woman - who is four-and-a-half months pregnant - and dragged her out of bed by her ankle before punching her stomach with a closed fist. Police say McClarrin also brandished a knife as he threatened the woman with the abortion. Police have charged McClarrin with aggravated assault on an unborn child, terroristic threats and other crimes.

In November a South Dakota man was sentenced to prison after he spiked his girlfriend's beverages with an herb to try to induce an abortion:

 According to reports, 36-year-old Alfredo Vargas gave his former girlfriend, Lisa Komes, a fountain drink that she said tasted "bitter and gritty." Another time, Komes woke up to find a white residue in the bottom of a fountain drink cup, but Vargas rinsed the cup and threw it out. Finally, Komes became suspicious when Vargas brought her a 32-ounce fountain pop that she said smelled of mint. She then called police but two weeks later she was again contacting police when Vargas brought her another drink. Several months later and after her son was born, Komes learned that the first soda contained pulegone, which has the reputation for inducing an abortion.  In September of 2013, a Rapid City jury convicted Vargas of attempted fetal homicide. He has been sentenced to serve five years in prison. Judge Janine Kern said during sentencing that Vargas showed no remorse for his actions.

In September of 2013, a pregnant Ohio woman was shot at by her boyfriend when she refused to have an abortion. The 18 year-old woman told police that she was driving her car when, her unborn baby's father, 23 year-old Tanner Hopkins, pulled up next to her and fired two shots without saying a word. The victim, who was not hurt reported that Hopkins insisted she get an abortion and said he was mad because she refused to do that. Hopkins has been booked into the Montgomery County Jail on suspicion of felonious assault and weapons charges.

In early September, the son of a Florida doctor admitted in court that he intentionally tricked his pregnant girlfriend into taking a drug he hoped would cause a miscarriage. Florida resident, John Andrew Welden pleaded guilty to federal charges of product tampering and mail fraud, admitting that he slipped his ex-girlfriend the abortion drug.  According to reports, the 28-year-old man did not want to be a father, so when his girlfriend, Remee Jo Lee, got pregnant, Welden faked a prescription for an abortion pill, switched a label so the medication appeared to be a common antibiotic, and gave her the drug. The drug did its job. The unborn baby died. Prosecution witness OB-GYN expert Catherine Lynch, from the University of South Florida, testified that the drug "did exactly what it was intended to do, and that resulted in the demise of the embryo." In January of 2014, Weldon was sentenced to 13 years and eight months in prison.

Last year, a 24-year-old Wisconsin man was found guilty after pleading no contest to charges he punched a pregnant woman in the stomach to make her miscarry and then doused her with gasoline. According to the criminal complaint, Tyler Ress poured gas on Carrie Lynn Mayhone and then held a lighter near her, threatening to start her on fire. He punched Mayhone, who was pregnant, in the stomach several times, telling her he wanted to force her to abort the baby.

In June of last year a Connecticut man was arrested for allegedly hiring a hit man to murder his pregnant girlfriend after she refused to have an abortion. Authorities said Carlton "CJ" Bryan, 21, of Windsor, hired a hitman to kill his girlfriend, Shamari Jenkins who was four months pregnant.  Prosecutor said they believe it was over Jenkin's decision not to have an abortion. Jenkins was shot in the back of the shoulder when she pulled over her Honda sedan at on April 29. The bullet traveled through her torso, she was rushed to St. Francis Hospital, where she was pronounced dead.  

Under the Radar on YouTube:
 For an interview call the office at (940) 380-8800


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