Friday, September 19, 2014

The “Adopt a South African Pastor” Project

South Africa is a country in turmoil.  The crime statistics are frightening. 45 000 reported rapes in a period of 20 days in August of this year alone.  It has been stated that being a farmer in South Africa is the most dangerous occupation in the world.  There were 22 confirmed farm attacks in August of this year, leading to 5 gruesome murders.  The total number of farm attacks this year is 87.  Over 2000 white people are murdered a month, in a country a little bigger than the state of Texas.  800 000 white South Africans, more than 20% of the remaining white population, live in abject poverty in shacks built of cardboard boxes and discarded roofing, with no toilets, running water or electricity.  They are denied access to any form of state assistance and are dying from hunger and cold.  Whites have, essentially, been denied access to jobs and have no means of lifting themselves out of poverty.

Yet, the world's governments and media are turning a blind eye to these tragedies and the white genocide undoubtedly taking place in South Africa.  Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch, visited South Africa on a fact finding tour and has lifted the genocide indicator there to a 6 on a scale of 8.

6. PREPARATION: Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists are drawn up. Members of victim groups are forced to wear identifying symbols. Their property is expropriated. They are often segregated into ghettoes, deported into concentration camps, or confined to a famine-struck region and starved. At this stage, a Genocide Emergency must be declared. If the political will of the great powers, regional alliances, or the U.N. Security Council can be mobilized, armed international intervention should be prepared, or heavy assistance provided to the victim group to prepare for its self-defense. Otherwise, at least humanitarian assistance should be organized by the U.N. and private relief groups for the inevitable tide of refugees to come.

7. EXTERMINATION begins, and quickly becomes the mass killing legally called "genocide." It is "extermination" to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human. When it is sponsored by the state, the armed forces often work with militias to do the killing. Sometimes the genocide results in revenge killings by groups against each other, creating the downward whirlpool-like cycle of bilateral genocide (as in Burundi). At this stage, only rapid and overwhelming armed intervention can stop genocide. Real safe areas or refugee escape corridors should be established with heavily armed international protection. (An unsafe "safe" area is worse than none at all.) The U.N. Standing High Readiness Brigade, EU Rapid Response Force, or regional forces -- should be authorized to act by the U.N. Security Council if the genocide is small. For larger interventions, a multilateral force authorized by the U.N. should intervene. If the U.N. is paralyzed, regional alliances must act. It is time to recognize that the international responsibility to protect transcends the narrow interests of individual nation states. If strong nations will not provide troops to intervene directly, they should provide the airlift, equipment, and financial means necessary for regional states to intervene.

8. DENIAL is the eighth stage that always follows a genocide. It is among the surest indicators of further genocidal massacres. The perpetrators of genocide dig up the mass graves, burn the bodies, try to cover up the evidence and intimidate the witnesses. They deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the victims. They block investigations of the crimes, and continue to govern until driven from power by force, when they flee into exile. There they remain with impunity, like Pol Pot or Idi Amin, unless they are captured and a tribunal is established to try them. The response to denial is punishment by an international tribunal or national courts. There the evidence can be heard, and the perpetrators punished. Tribunals like the Yugoslav or Rwanda Tribunals, or an international tribunal to try the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, or an International Criminal Court may not deter the worst genocidal killers. But with the political will to arrest and prosecute them, some may be brought to justice.

According to statistics there is one violent service delivery protest in South Africa every second day.  These protests evolve into the likes of the Ferguson protests and result in looting, arson and murders.

In light of the above, and many more daily atrocities occurring in South Africa, we are trying to shine a light on the horror facing the people of South Africa and the difficulties they face when wanting to escape.

The process of immigration to the US is almost impossible for these people as there are only three ways to get a visa – work, family or study.  It is a long, expensive process which most South Africans cannot undertake, nor hope to qualify for a visa at the end of it.

We are trying to match up worthy applicants with an "adoptive family" here in the US who would help with the acquisition of a work visa and offer these applicant a job, help with accommodation and the means to travel to the US.

South Africans, as a whole, have a wonderful work ethic and would be an asset to any community.

The Bible instructs us to:

Ephesians 1:5

God destined us to be his adopted children through Jesus Christ because of his love. This was according to his goodwill and plan.
Romans 12:5
In the same way, though there are many of us, we are one body in Christ, and individually we belong to each other.
 Luke 10:30-37 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves? And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.
We have a particular Pastor in mind, to be the first in this process.

If you are genuinely interested in helping this man of God, you may contact us for his resume and we will put you in touch with him to discuss this further.

You may contact us at:


Thank you for your interest in this life saving project.

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