Thursday, October 30, 2014


It is absolutely true that Halloween means "holy-evening."  Just how holy is Halloween? 
When I was about 11-years old, my cousin (about two years younger) got a Ouija-board for Christmas.  Shortly after Christmas, our family visited her family and she invited me and my little brother (10-years old), along with her brother (about 6-years old) into a room to play with the Ouija-board. I had never seen one, never heard of one and had no idea what it was. My cousin told me it would "put us in contact with spirits."  At 11-years old, I was not sure what a spirit was, but I decided to go along.
She explained how it worked and we gathered around it, each holding our side of the board up on our knees and placing our hands on the pointer with a feather touch, just as the written instructions told us.  One of us asked a question (I forget who and I forget the question).  Remember, I am the oldest at 11-years of age. The others are 10, 8 and 6 (or so).  We are children not magicians or slight-of-hand artists.  Anyway, the pointer started moving in a way that a bunch of children could not have moved it.  We were touching it lightly as the directions stated. The pointer was moving us in one specific direction.   We were not moving the pointer as a unified effort nor was any one of us talented enough to move the pointer the way it moved, I assure you.
The pointer moved about two or three inches.  I jumped up in a flash with a moan as if hit in the stomach.  I sent the board and the pointer into the air and they fell to the floor.  The other three kids were noticeably shocked at my reaction.  I ran out of the room as fast as I could.  After getting out of the room, I turned and stuck my head inside the doorway and said, "I don't know what that thing is, but I don't want anything to do with it."  I left.   Later, the other three came out of the room. I never spoke of it to them again.  I never when back into that room, ever.  I never touched a Ouija-board again until I was in my mid-20's and visiting a Methodist church with a new friend (the Youth Minister of the church). He was showing me the youth department. He opened a cupboard door to show me the table games the church-kids played.  I saw a Ouija-board in the box it came in.  The pointer was beside the box.   Without permission, I took the box, board and pointer out of the cupboard.  I put the pointer in the box and closed the box.  He closed the cupboard door.  My new friend did not say a thing about the box still in my hand.   
After showing me the youth department and we exchanged a few more kind words, I got in my car and left. I kept the box. My friend never said a word about it.  I drove about a mile away from the church and tossed the box (board and pointer), into a garbage bin that was behind a business.  I thought, "That is fitting end to that trash." 
There is something very wrong with Christians playing with Ouija-boards.  Even at 11-years old and not a church-goer at that time, I knew it was wrong to mess with a Ouija-board. 
There is something very wrong with Christians dressing up as people coming back from the dead (or anything else) and going door-to-door chanting "give me candy or I will harm you or yours." Short for that is "trick or treat."   There is nothing good or godly about it; no redeeming factor at all. 


Anyone who wants to can do a quick internet search about the origins of Halloween and discover it is from the pits of hell as practiced then and as practiced now. Some try to Christianize it by having their kids dress up as angels or socialize it by have their kids dress up like cowboys, but that is like saying a prayer asking God to bless a person's time at the Ouija-board.  Lipstick on pig does not make the pig a princess. Prayer over a Ouija-board does not make it Christian.  Dressing up as an angel on the devil's night and repeating a demonic mantra door-to-door does not make it a Christian activity even if some think the costumed-kiddies are cute.  Chanting a demonic phrase of threat house-to-house, even in fun, is not any wiser than playing with the Ouija-board for fun. 
My house will be dark, again, on Halloween. I will be inside watching and listening for those who practice the devil's night with sincere devotion to their god.  As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, not participate door-to-door in an overtly demonic holiday.
The Ouija-board wreaks of demonic stench.  Even an 11-year old un-church-ed boy knows that and knows enough to run far and fast from it.  Halloween wreaks of demonic stench.  Run from it.  Don't touch it.  Get away from it and stay away.  I was not looking for demons when my cousin invited me to the Ouija-board.  I did not find the demons. The demons found me because I was playing in their back yard (so to speak).  If we play in the devil's yard, we should not be surprised if a few demons find us and take us as far into their world as we will let them or as far as our involvement in their world carries us. 
Halloween is not holy unto God.  Don't do it.  I know it is fun.  We can all create a list of fun things to do.  That does not make the things on that list godly.  Nor are we persecuting our children if we do not orchestrate for them a time to fellowship with demons.  

joda collins
Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that my views are shared by anyone else.

1 comment:

  1. Playing around with anything that has to do with the occult is a no-no in the Bible. There is no such thing as a ghost, but there are lots of demons that make you think there are ghosts. These are deceptive and can mimic your beloved family.

    We're not to call up the dead humans out of their sheol homes either As we will all go there to sleep until the resurrections. Look at what happened to Samuel when he was called out by King Saul. he said it was a bad thing. See 1 Sam. 28:11 and 1 Sam 28:15, as Samuel was "brought up." I.e., he was not in the heavens. He was in Sheol in a sleep. If you ever study sheol in depth, you'll see that we all sleep. Our first death that the messiah, Yahushua, says is a sleep.
