Thursday, November 13, 2014

FINAL WARNING - Are We In The Trumpet Days? By Carl Gallups

Photo: Joel Richardson says: 
If you have a passion to study the subject of the endtimes, then you will love this book! Carl Gallups is an engaging writer who presents a truly unique perspective. Prepare to be challenged!
(NYT #1 best selling author of The Islamic Antichrist and Mid East Beast)

FINAL WARNING - by best selling author Carl Gallups 
(pre-order now - ships Feb. 3)

How do WWI and WWII square up with John the Revelator’s trumpet visions? Could it be that Chernobyl was foretold in the Bible almost two thousand years before it happened? Is the name of one of the world’s most notorious dictator-turned-butcher actually encoded in the Revelation trumpet messages?

Does the rebirth of Israel indicate the Last Days are upon us? Was Apollyon, the name mentioned in trumpet five, responsible for the darkening of the sky during the Gulf War? Is the United States mentioned in biblical prophecy?

Based on a solid theological and historical foundation, Gallups explains the possible meaning of a giant mountain all ablaze thrown into the sea, the significance of the wormwood prophecy, the five months spoken of in trumpet five, how Abaddon and Apollyon may have already appeared, and those glorious words from Heaven, given to the two witnesses – Come up here!

An incredible journey of contextual biblical understanding and astounding prophetic possibilities awaits as you discover that we might well be living in the trumpet days of mankind’s Final Warning!


Joel Richardson says: 
If you have a passion to study the subject of the endtimes, then you will love this book! Carl Gallups is an engaging writer who presents a truly unique perspective. Prepare to be challenged!
(NYT #1 best selling author of The Islamic Antichrist and Mid East Beast)

FINAL WARNING - by best selling author Carl Gallups
(pre-order now - ships Feb. 3)

How do WWI and WWII square up with John the Revelator’s trumpet visions? Could it be that Chernobyl was foretold in the Bible almost two thousand years before it happened? Is the name of one of the world’s most notorious dictator-turned-butcher actually encoded in the Revelation trumpet messages?

Does the rebirth of Israel indicate the Last Days are upon us? Was Apollyon, the name mentioned in trumpet five, responsible for the darkening of the sky during the Gulf War? Is the United States mentioned in biblical prophecy?

Based on a solid theological and historical foundation, Gallups explains the possible meaning of a giant mountain all ablaze thrown into the sea, the significance of the wormwood prophecy, the five months spoken of in trumpet five, how Abaddon and Apollyon may have already appeared, and those glorious words from Heaven, given to the two witnesses – Come up here!

An incredible journey of contextual biblical understanding and astounding prophetic possibilities awaits as you discover that we might well be living in the trumpet days of mankind’s Final Warning!


FINAL WARNING - by Carl Gallups

Bill Martinez (BILL MARTINEZ LIVE! Nationally Syndicated Talk Radio Host - heard in hundreds of markets across America) says:

I am grateful to him and our God for Carl’s faithfulness to boldly speak out and to share with the body of today’s believers and tomorrow’s not only God’s vision and judgment for all his creation, but His plan that is being unfolded each day in the here and now.

The final chapter or act is where we’re going, but we are not there yet. It is critical that we align with God’s purpose for today and sync up with Him now, for it is God’s Kingdom that is coming! He alone is sovereign. Soli Deo Gloria!

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