Monday, November 10, 2014

From Killing Machines to Healing Machines - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 2014-11-07

Former engineer of weapons systems now puts his skills and energy to helping veterans returning from duty who suffer from PTSD

Sarnia, ON: John Underwood, President and Director of Engineering of Wavonic Canada Inc., manufacturer of a device that administers proven relaxing (or therapeutic) sound frequencies that help relieve stress and anxiety, announced today that they had initiated an Indiegogo campaign to test the effectiveness of their Wavonic device in treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Research has shown that stress and anxiety are strongly correlated to disorders such as PTSD, Depression and Asthma.

He stated that the company's primary focus at this time is to gather trial data on volunteers suffering with PTSD that can be presented to the Veterans Administration research department that is searching for complementary ways to deal with PTSD.  Through a campaign on Indiegogo called “Put the Boot to PTSD!”, Wavonic Canada Inc. plans to recruit volunteers to be treated and monitored according to standardized questionnaires under the guidance of Medical Director, Judith Leone. These trials are scheduled for the period January-February 2015.

Of the company’s recent success with helping sufferers of PTSD, John Underwood received a testimony from a veteran in Florida "The very first time I used it (Wavonic), within just a short period of time my depression and anxiety symptoms disappeared and I experienced what I can best describe as mild euphoria. I simply couldn’t believe it ... I encourage anyone with PTSD to try the Wavonic since it really worked well for me." ... Lawrence Kelley III, Gainesville, FL.

Through these planned trials, Wavonic will be able to further expand their studies into other stress and anxiety related disorders such as Asthma of which preliminary trials already show great results.  Interestingly, scientific research has shown that sufferers of PTSD also have a greater incidence of Asthma than those who do not suffer from it.

About Wavonic Canada Inc.: The company was founded in 2013, to formerly manufacture the Wavonic Relaxation System. Development of prototypes was started in 2010 as a result of a commitment to help give a better quality of life to sufferers of disorders that are triggered by stress and anxiety, such as PTSD and Asthma that are at epidemic proportions. The goal was to design a portable and affordable device for home use.



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