Monday, December 1, 2014

Does the Bible Demand Obedience to All Authorities?

Romans 13:1 states, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God."

These are difficult verses when they are compared and contrasted against the following realities:

Jeremiah spoke against authorities of his day (Jeremiah 1:10, 5:30-31). Was he in violation of Romans 13:1?

The three Hebrew children and Daniel disobeyed the king. Daniel 3 and Daniel 6.  Were they in violation of Romans 13:1?

The disciples disobeyed authority (Acts 4:19-20). Were they in violation of Romans 13:1?

Jesus was very disrespectful towards spiritual leaders of his day (Matthew 23:13f). Was he in violation of Romans 13:1?

The Anti-Christ government of the Book of Revelation demands all take the mark of the beast. Christians are to refuse to obey. If they do disobey government, will they be in violation of Romans 13:1?

America was born out of rebellion against King George III. Were they in violation of Romans 13:1?

When authorities demand we violate Christians principles, who should we obey?

For decades we prosecuted Nazi's who followed the orders of Hitler. We called them "war-criminals."  Were they right to obey Hitler and were we wrong to prosecute them for their actions?  
In America, our laws are founded upon the Constitution, not upon a king or dictator.  When a want-to-be dictator violates the law of our land (the Constitution) who do we obey, the want-to-be dictator or the Constitution?

When laws are passed that violate our Constitution, do we honor the law in violation of our Constitution? For example, if a law was passed by your State (or Obama by executive order) that no one could own a gun, would you turn in your gun or keep your gun on the basis of your 2nd Amendment rights?

Should the following quote be applauded or ridiculed?   "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."  Thomas Jefferson.

These are good questions.  These are tough questions.  However, these are valid questions.  Only when we have answered each of these questions with a degree of confidence that is based on biblical principles can we rightly grasp or intellectually speak about Romans 13:1; otherwise, it is just guess-work at best and babble at the worst. 

joda collins
Rev. Joda Collins

I make no claim that my views are shared by anyone else. 


  1. Brother Joda, Pastors have been distorting Romans 13 for a very long time. I think they also distort the truth by tell Christians that we must "pray for our leaders" which leads most sheep to believe those prayers should be for their protection. Sheep do no think logically and blindly follow their pastors/teachers instead of doing their own bible studies on issues that affect their lives. I personally pray Psalm 109 when praying for this domestic enemy we have living in the WH today. A short version would sound like this "straighten him out or take him out." Here is a well thought out Bible study on Romans 13 and I believe it to be correct. I have heard others who have correctly interpreted it this way. Let me know what you think and thanks for the post. (

    1. Dear Bonagura,

      Thank you for your comment.

      We should pray for lost people, not that they will be blessed in their lost state, but that God would do whatever it takes for them to come to salvation. Likewise, we should pray for leaders, not that God will bless them in their wrongs, but that God would do whatever it takes for them to do right.

      If leaders insist on doing wrong, then we have a right and a duty, as good citizens and as God's people to do all that we can, within the will of God (including praying) to see that they are removed from office.

      God established government as His ministry. When those in office violate God's laws and will and begin to minister in the name of and by the power of Satan, the submission of godly people to demonic forces is forbidden.

      Notice that the rulers of Romans 13 are rulers for good works, not evil and said rulers praise and protect those who do good and stand against those who do evil. When rulers rule for the promotion of evil, protect the evil doers and punish the just, then the command of Romans 13:1 either weakens or is null and void, depending on specifics.

      I hope to do another article or two on this subject. As you notice, I am sure, I only asked questions in this article, but gave no solutions. I want people to think on the answers to the questions I pose before speaking boldly on the import of Romans 13.

      Your analysis is spot on! Citizens of heaven are not commanded to submit to demons of hell operating through flesh, blood and minds sold out to Satan.

      That does not mean we do not take a few hits from leaders who make mistakes nor give leaders a fair amount of the benefit of the doubt. However, when leader's eyes burn red with the fire of the devil himself, and their commands for following lead the nation to hell -- nope, not me, I am not following nor will I praise such leaders. Rather, I "have nothing to do with...(them), but rather expose them." Eph 5:11.

      Joda Collins
