Friday, December 12, 2014

IT BEGINS! Cosby Rape Accusers' Stories Begin to Unravel

The Daily Caller has learned that a number of women who have accused comedian Bill Cosby of sexual assault either have factual contradictions in their accounts, or have personal histories that cast doubt on their claims. Five of Cosby’s recent accusers, including multiple women currently or previously represented by prominent feminist attorney Gloria Allred, have engaged in statements and behavior that warrant increased scrutiny of their public accusations against Cosby. Cosby attorney Marty Singer told The Daily Caller in a statement, “There is virtually no standard by which the media are holding Mr Cosby’s accusers. Anyone and everyone who wants to file a suit or get on television can be guaranteed fawning coverage. The very same media have demonstrated an unconscionable disinterest in the veracity of his accusers and their motives.”


1 comment:

  1. I had no doubts about Mr. Cosby, he's a good man.
