Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Even though the ACA gets no new funds in the House spending bill it remains fully funded despite calls by conservatives to pull the plug on Obamacare. Some are seeing this as a slight against those who voted for a Republican majority for the next two years.

Remarkably the House spending bill seems to fully fund Obama's amnesty plan. The bill only funds the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees most immigration policy, until February. But negotiators gave new money for immigration programs at other federal agencies. There's $948 million for the Department of Health and Human Service's unaccompanied children program -- an $80 million increase. The program provides health and education services to the young migrants. The department also gets $14 million to help school districts absorbing new immigrant students. And the State Department would get $260 million to assist Central American countries from where of the immigrant children are coming. (see more)


Donald Trump is adding events to his Iowa trip next month, his political consultant told The Des Moines Register Tuesday.

Trump has RSVP'ed for a dinner party with Gov. Terry Branstad and Steve Bruere, the president of Peoples Company, a land brokerage firm. And he will join the lineup at the Iowa Freedom Summit, which will feature several GOP potential presidential candidates and other keynote speakers.

"I have always loved visiting Iowa. I look forward to these two special events," Trump told the Register in a statement.

Trump, a business mogul famous for his real estate development work and his stardom in a reality TV series, was already scheduled to speak on Jan. 23 at the 2015 Land Investment Expo, an annual real estate conference in West Des Moines.

Trump's political consultant, Sam Nunberg, said the New Yorker is now confirmed for three engagements in Iowa.

At 6:15 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 23, Trump will attend a private dinner at the Stine Barn in West Des Moines. The dinner invitation asks guests to join Bruere, Branstad, Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds, Trump "and other prominent leaders."

Peoples Company hosts the dinner every year, but it will be higher-profile — and harder to keep the guest list to 40 or 50 — than in the past, Bruere told the Register.

"Every presidential election at this time of year, Donald seems to surface," Bruere said. "He likes to put his name out there one way or another and at least offer his opinion. One can only suspect the reason he accepted this year is because it's a caucus year, and he wants to stir things up." (Read more)

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