Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Breaking! Gospel Preached Inside Orthodox Synagogue IN ISRAEL!

Messiah Of Israel Ministries

The plan was to do street evangelism in Bat Yam, but as Zev Porat was praying with his ministry team, the Holy Spirit told him to share Yeshua in a Bat Yam synagogue, and to take the Bible and the book, The Rabbi Who Found Messiah, with him. The Holy Spirit showed Zev that the rabbis and all people need to know about the revelation Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri received that Yeshua is the Messiah.

Going into an Orthodox synagogue in Israel with the message of salvation is very dangerous. Under rabbinic law, it is a stoning offense. Before entering the synagogue, Zev read the following verses as he always does when he enters a dangerous area.

Romans 8:31 -
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?

Isaiah 41:10 -
'Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'

Luke 12:11 -
"And when they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not become anxious about how or what you should speak in your defense, or what you should say."

Breaking! Gospel Preached Inside a Synagogue

As Zev walked into the synagogue, cantor David Schwartz greeted him and asked if he wanted to join the Torah lesson. Zev answered: "I am here to share the true Tanakh (Old Testament)". Cantor Schwartz was curious about Zev's statement and invited him to sit.

"What do you mean by true Tanakh?" Cantor Schwartz asked, as others were listening. Zev answered: "The Tanakh is the living Word of God which is revealed to us only through the Holy Spirit." Cantor Schwartz: "It is impossible to understand the Tanakh without rabbinic interpretations. Only the rabbis are connected to the Holy Spirit." Zev: "Have you heard of Rabbi Kaduri?" Cantor Schwartz and others in the synagogue all said: "Yes, of course." Cantor Schwartz went on to explain: "Our synagogue teaches a lot of Rabbi Kaduri's teachings and we visit his tomb once a year for blessings. Kaduri was the greatest rabbi and he really understood the Tanakh." Zev: "Yes, he did understand the Tanakh. He only reached the true meaning after he received the revelation of the Messiah." Cantor Schwartz and the others looked shocked and confused.

Cantor Schwartz Amazed by the story of Kaduri

Zev was led by the Holy Spirit to take out the book, The Rabbi Who Found Messiah. Zev read many passages in the book with Cantor Schwartz. It was supernaturally powerful when Cantor Schwartz read out loud the note in the book that Yeshua is the Messiah, and all the people of the synagogue were stunned. The power of the Holy Spirit was all over the synagogue. A young Ethiopian Jew, named Haim, shouted: "Impossible, it's not real!" "Unbelievable!" Cantor Schwartz said: "I can't believe it either but I recognize the handwriting of Rabbi Kaduri." It was time to go to the Written Word of God.

Zev began sharing many Bible verses in the Tanakh that reveal Yeshua is the Messiah, such as Isaiah 53, Psalm 2, Psalm 22, Jeremiah 23, Micah 5, and so on. What was happening was truly amazing. The light of the Shekinah Glory was hovering over the dark synagogue. The message of Rabbi Kaduri brought forth the true Gospel in the synagogue. Many who were angry at the beginning were now, one by one, asking to read the book and to see the Messiah in the Tanakh.

Cantor and Zev Studying the WORD! In a SYNAGOGUE!

Only the Holy Spirit could take a stoning offense under rabbinic law and transform it into a powerful testimony that Yeshua is the Messiah. Many contacts were made. We pray for their salvation. We give all the glory to the Lion of Judah, Yeshua the Messiah.

The Kaduri revival is expanding in Israel like never before.

Haim, who at first rejected the message, becomes fascinated by the revelation
of Rabbi Kaduri that Yeshua is the Messiah!

Zev sharing Isaiah 53 with Haim: "Yeshua died for our sins and rose after 3 days."

Roni, fascinated by the book The Rabbi who Found Messiah,
right in the middle of a synagogue.


  1. What else can we say but Praise God! Worship our Lord and savior Jesus the Christ And for sending us the holy spirit. The holy spirit is amazing, like a river flowing down from heaven, like a mighty wind that moves through your soul. Peaceful Euphoria that can also be a fearful place. Mighty God! awesome and all powerful!

  2. Praise God! Father, may your Light shine in Israel.
