Friday, April 10, 2015

US Jihadi Political Party to Blitz Capitol Hill Next Week on Monday April 13, 2015 : “Muslim Advocacy Day”


The U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) will spend Monday and Tuesday of next week on Capitol Hill advocating their position as the first national Muslim political party.
Formed in June of 2014, the USCMO is made up entirely of Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas organizations – but that is redundant since Hamas is an inherent part of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine.

Reminder:  Hamas is a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.
No surprise – the Muslims who will "represent" the Muslim community in our nation's capitol actually represent jihadi ("Terrorist") organizations.
This is another attempt by our enemies to put a tuxedo on a turd and call it dessert.  Let us pray our leaders don't line up to eat.
The brazenness of this effort by the enemy with no response from our leaders is what should concern American citizens.

Can you find the guy who is NOT Hamas in this photo?  Hint: There isn't one.

Facts and evidence apparently have little weight these days, but let's lay them out anyway.

USCMO is made up of the Muslim American Society (MAS), Islamic Circle of North American (ICNA), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), The Mosque Cares (Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed), American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA), Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA), Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA), American Muslim Alliance (AMA) and The Mosque Foundation (Chicago).

MAS was identified by its leaders and the U.S. government (US v Sabri Benkhala) as a Muslim Brotherhood organization.

ICNA was identified as a part of the MB's Movement in North America by evidence in the US v Holy Land Foundation (HLF) trial in Dallas, Texas in 2008 – the largest terrorism financing and Hamas trial ever successfully prosecuted in U.S. history.
The ICNA/MAS Training Guide calls on its adherents to establish an Islamic State under Sharia and "wage war" to do so (page 117/321).

CAIR was identified by evidence in the US v HLF trial as being the 4th organization created by the U.S. Palestine Committee (Hamas) to be a front for Hamas here.  The Federal Judge and the Appellate Panel agreed.

The Mosque Cares is a part of Imam W. Deen Mohammed's jihadi network.
American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) is one of the latest fronts created by Hamas in the U.S. led by Muslim Brother Dr. Hatem Bazyan.

The Board of Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA) is littered with Hamas leaders including…all of them.  Dr. Jess Ghannam, Dr. Hatem Bazian (name familiar?), Tarek Alkadri, Mouffa Nahhas, and Khalil Meek.  Alkadri, Nahhas, and Meek all openly served in various positions for Hamas in the U.S. (dba "CAIR").

MUNA is another well-known MB organization which is a part of the American Muslim Task Force, yet another conglomerate of MB/Hamas organizations whose leaders are made up of the usual suspects.

MANA is led by senior MB leaders Ihsan Bagby and Siraj Wahhaj.  Readers may recall that Wahhaj is an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and was a "character witness" for the Blind Sheik, Omar Abdel Rahman.  MANA's shura council previously included Luqman Ameen Abdullah before he waskilled by the FBI when they raided his Masjid al Haqq  mosque in Detroit mosque a few years ago.  Abdullah's group sought to establish an "Islamic State" under "Shariah Law."

AMA can be summed up by a quote from the protege of the Muslim Brotherhood's Founder Hassan al Banna quoted on AMA's website:  "Membership in AMA is not optional but mandatory for every Muslim."  Dr. Maher Hathout, Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) – also an MB organization.  Decades ago, Hathout and his brother spent time in Egyptian jail for being members of the Muslim Brotherhood.  The Chairman of AMA is Dr. Agha Saeed.  You guessed it – he is a Hamas leader.

The Mosque Foundation in Chicago is a Hamas front.  Its leader Sheik Kifah Mustapha was a named unindicted co-conspirator in the US v HLF trial (largest Hamas trial in American history) because he raised money for Hamas.
So, next Monday, Capitol Hill will be swarmed by Hamas jihadis in suits. These men should be in jail, not on Capitol Hill.

UTT encourages all readers to contact their Senators and Representatives and ask them why they are allowing terrorists on Capitol Hill.

John Guandolo is the Founder of @, an organization dedicated to providing strategic and operational threat-focused consultation, education, and training for federal, state and local leadership and agencies.  A 1989 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy Mr. Guandolo took a commission as an Officer in the United States Marine Corps.  He served with 2d Battalion 2d Marines as an Infantry Platoon Commander in combat Operations Desert Shield/Storm.  From 1991-1996, he served in 2d Force Reconnaissance Company as a Platoon Commander, Assistant Operations Officer, and the unit's Airborne and Diving Officer deploying to the Adriatic/Bosnia.  He served for one year as the Unit Leader for the CINC's In-Extremis Force, directly reporting to a Combatant Commander in a classified mission profile.  
In 1996, Mr. Guandolo joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), serving at the Washington Field Office primarily conducting narcotics investigations domestically and overseas.  In 2001, he served as the FBI Liaison to the U.S. Capitol Police investigating threats on the President, Vice-President, Members of Congress and other high-level government officials.  Shortly after 9/11, Mr. Guandolo began an assignment to the Counterterrorism Division of the FBI's Washington Field Office developing an expertise in the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, the global Islamic Movement, and a myriad of terrorist organizations to include Hamas, Al Qaeda, and others. 
In 2006Mr. Guandolo created and implemented the FBI's first Counterterrorism Training/Education Program focusing on the Muslim Brotherhood and their subversive movement in the United States, Islamic Doctrine, and the global Islamic Movement.  He was designated a "Subject Matter Expert" by FBI Headquarters.  This course was hailed as "groundbreaking" by the FBI's Executive Assistant Director in a brief to the Vice President's National Security Staff.  For his efforts, in 2007 Mr. Guandolo was presented the "Defender of the Homeland" Award by U.S. Senators John Kyl and Joseph Lieberman on behalf of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C.   While in the FBI, Mr. Guandolo received two (2) United States Attorney's Awards for Investigative Excellence. 
Mr. Guandolo served on the Washington Field Office SWAT team for over nine years and as the Team Leader for three of those years.  He was a certified Undercover Agent, and served in a variety of assignments in that capacity.  

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