Monday, December 7, 2015

A Day of Reckoning Has Arrived

By Pastor Carl Gallups

Below are the statements and comments of Pastor Carl Gallups from a recent WND headliner article titled:Sheriffs send warning to America: Get armed now! (Link to full article is below)

Carl Gallups, who served 10 years as a Florida police office before becoming a Baptist pastor and talk radio host, has authored a new book called “Be Thou Prepared: Equipping the the Church for Persecution and Times of Trouble.” In that book he admonishes Christians to take a fresh biblical look at the issue of guns and self-defense.

“In light of several prominent United States Sheriffs, and even well-known media personalities, now advising America citizens to “arm themselves” (specifically in preparation for the possibility of armed Islamic attacks on our soil), I think people can now see where we really are in America at this point in history,” Gallups told WND. “A day of reckoning has arrived.”

Gallups said he wrote his book from the perspective of 10 years of direct law enforcement experience and 30 years in the ministry. In both cases, he’s been deeply involved in the traumas and disasters of life, including assaults on life, home, church and property.

“The fact that American law enforcement officials can even make a legitimate and legal call’ for Americans to arm themselves is an astounding phenomenon directly related to our Second Amendment rights and freedoms,” Gallups said.

“Very few nations of the world could make such an appeal to their common citizenry and actually have millions of people instantly ready (and quite capable) of protecting themselves, their families, churches, communities, and their nation,” he continued. “And, don’t discount the fact that millions of Americans don’t even need an appeal from law enforcement to know what to do and how to do it when it comes to being prepared to take defensive measures of protection.

“I know the leftist elitists hate this fact, but it is one thing that specifically defines and separates the United States from most of the rest of the world. This is the very reason why there is a continual outcry from the leftists for ‘tougher gun control laws’ in America. It is also the reason why Americans should never give up their Second Amendment rights.”

Many Christians have historically had a difficult time with the concept of arming themselves, and Gallups answers those critics.

He turns to the Founding Fathers for inspiration:

“That is certainly a matter of individual concern. However, we have been blessed for a long time in America even to be able to have debates about the topic. Our founding fathers and the early colonists certainly did not have that luxury. Generations before us that went through World War I and World War II didn’t have that luxury. Now, it appears that our generation will have to give serious thought and preparation to equipping ourselves so that our generation and the ones that follow might have some semblance of the America we know and love left to pass on.”

The concept of God’s people “arming” themselves for self-preservation is not a new one, he said.

“From the children of Israel coming out of Egypt to Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem to Jesus conversing with his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night of His betrayal (and telling them to purchase a sword), the Word of God gives us many examples of using our common sense as we ultimately rely upon the Lord to lead us into ways of protection.”

Gallups said it all boils down to living a balanced Christian life.

“We live in a much different world than we did just a decade ago. Believers don’t need to wring their hands or get ridiculous about making “preparations,” but they should definitely be prepared,” he said. “Tough times have come to the world and tougher times than most living Americans have ever seen are coming to our own shores. Those who are prepared to live, defend, and protect – will also be the ones prepared to share the love of Jesus with the lost world around them. And that is the main reason the people of God are here in the first place.”

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