Friday, January 15, 2016

Larry Klayman and J.B Williams to appear on FREEDOM FRIDAY WITH CARL GALLUPS today

LISTEN LIVE TODAY - (upper right corner of page).  5-7 PM EST.

Larry Klayman will be updating the audience on his representation of Dennis Montgomery, former CIA contractor, and one of the principle characters in the Obama Fraud Investigation.

J.B. Williams, co-founder of The North American Law Center, will be updating the audience in regards to the latest RNC action regarding an effort to file articles of impeachment against Barack Obama.

Larry  Klayman is a politically conservative American public interest lawyer and former Justice Department attorney who has been called a "Clinton nemesis" for his dozens of lawsuits against the Bill Clinton administration in the 90s.

The founder of Judicial Watch and the government watchdog group Freedom Watch, he has brought legal action against former Vice President Dick Cheney, President Barack Obama, OPEC, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and the National Security Agency (NSA). In the last case, a federal judge ruled in December 2013 that the NSA's bulk collection of telephone metadata violated the Fourth Amendment.

Larry Klayman is currently representing Dennis Montgomery, the CIA informant who was working with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office - Joe Arpaio, Mike Zullo, and other investigators -and also one of the central persons of interest in the  recent Melendrez Federal Case against Joe Arpaio - in which Mike Zullo was called to testify.


J.B. Williams is a writer on matters of history and American politics with more than 3,000 pieces published over the past 20 years. He has a decidedly conservative reverence for the Charters of Freedom: United States Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Mr. Williams  is a Christian, a husband, a father, a researcher, writer and a business owner.
He is co-founder of two important action organizations The United States Patriots Union, a civilian parent organization for The Veteran Defenders of America.

And he is also co-founder of The North American Law Center, a citizen-run investigative legal research and activism organization that is taking on American’s greatest legal battles—most prominently the impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama

Mr. Williams has appeared on several Radio programs...including INFOWARS and Mike Volin's WOBC blogtalk radio broadcast, and now today - on FREEDOM FRIDAY...

He now is hosting his own radio show on  Patriot Voice Radio | 94.5 WYPV  - Michigan

RNC Scuttles Impeachment in Committee Vote

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