Sunday, January 31, 2016


By Messiah of Israel Ministries

We were praying for the Lost Sheep of Israel in the orthodox area, Zev began to share the love of Yeshua with many Orthodox Jews. There was one Orthodox man named Masav walking out of the synagogue. Zev felt the Holy Spirit saying to speak to him. Zev overheard Masav say on the phone he was in a hurry. Zev asked Masav: "I heard you are in a hurry but I also heard God tells me to speak with you." Masav was very interested to know what Zev meant. He said yes he was in a hurry because he needs to prepare for the Sabbath. Then he told Zev the reason why he had to go home in a hurry was because he has 10 kids, and it took him two days to prepare for Sabbath every week.
Zev replied in love and compassion: "I also love the Sabbath because it is a day of rest, a day we worship our Lord. I was once very religious from an Orthodox family until one day God opened my eyes to the truth. Then I understood He wants our heart, not our works. I glorify the Sabbath Maker but not the Sabbath." Masav told Zev that although he was in a hurry, he now felt the need to stay, something is drawing him. Hallelujah! We know it was the Holy Spirit working on him. It was a heavenly supernatural appointment!

                                          Zev reading the Word with Masav

Masav began to share his life with Zev, that he has been searching his whole life. He became an Orthodox Jew 13 years ago. He had a lot of questions. Some were answered but many he just had to accept because his rabbi said so.

Masav was very touched that Zev said God ordained this appointment. He also was very interested in the concept that we need to glorify the Sabbath Maker but not the Sabbath. He shared that over the years God has blessed him with 10 children: 7 boys and 3 girls. But he felt that he was consuming too much time to prepare for the Sabbath, and also felt the fact that we were talking about this was really from God.
Zev then opened the Bible and read with Masav in Hosea 6:6 - 

"For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings."
1 Samuel 16:7 - 
But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 
                                                  Pray for Masav's salvation

After reading this Masav said: "I have been studying with the rabbis for years, and all I learned was works and rules. But here we read in the Bible that God wants our heart. I must say I'm a little confused." Zev told Masav that God loves us so much and that of course if God is shining through us, we will have good fruit and do many good things. But there is nothing we can do to meet God's standards and that is why He provided the way not with works and man-made rules but with His Written Word, and in the Written Word we see that way is only through the Messiah.
Glory to the King Yeshua! Masav was hungry, glorifying the Sabbath, but now not his main priority. He wanted to know more. His countenance was now glowing. Zev then told Masav to pray and seek the Lord and revelation of Messiah. Masav asked how. Zev then read with Masav.
Psalm 51:10 -
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."  
Masav was fascinated. Something supernatural was happening. He asked Zev: "Can we study together?" Zev and Masav exchanged contact information. At that moment, something that never happened before in an Orthodox outreach, something unusual, something supernatural happened. Masav and Zev both had tears of joy in their eyes. 
Eli reading Proverbs 30:4

The love of Yeshua to Roni

Zev with Shay

We continued to share the wonderful love message of salvation with many orthodox Jews.

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