Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bombshell: Scalia Held ‘Secret’ Meeting With Obama Hours Before Death?


A Foreign Intelligence Service report has revealed that US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia visited President Obama just hours before his suspicious death in Houston.

The secret meeting was held aboard a US Air Force plane heading to a Texas ranch owned by a close friend of Obama’s. reports:

According to this report, SVR “assests” reported that on 11 February both President Obama and Justice Scalia were at Joint Base Andrews (JBA) scheduled for two separate US Air Force flights from Andrews Field—the first taking President Obama to Los Angeles, and the second taking Justice Scalia to Marfa Municipal Airport (KMRF) located in the southwestern region of Texas near the Mexican border.

While President Obama was scheduled to depart on one of the US Air Force’s two Boeing VC-25 aircraft (commonly referred to as Air Force One), this report continues, Justice Scalia’s flight was scheduled aboard a Gulfstream C-37A—which is the US Air Force’s designation for their fleet of the popular Gulfstream V private jet aircraft.

Just prior to these two US Air Force aircraft departing from Andrews Field, this report notes, SVR “assests” assigned to monitoring top American political and military figures noted a “discrepancy from normal protocol” when Justice Scalia’s three US Marshal Services Judicial Security Division (JSD) “protectors/defenders” left the airbase with the “personal protection” of this noted jurist being transferred to the US Secret Service (SS).

Upon both President Obama and Justice Scalia’s different flights departing from Andrews Field, this report continues detailing; an even greater “discrepancy from normal protocol” was noted by the SVR when they were informed by Aerospace Forces (AF) satellite monitoring personal that US Air Force F-16 fighter aircraft from three different bases (Shaw Air Force Base, Montgomery Field and Luke Air Force Base) accompanied the entire flights of both the Boeing VC-25 and the Gulfstream C-37A—a level of protection normally only afforded to the US President exclusively.

As to why the US Air Force provided F-16 fighter aircraft protection to Justice Scalia’s flight, this report continues, became even more concerning to the SVR when after the flight landed in Marfa, Texas, this “extreme protective air cover” was maintained until the Gulfstream C-37A departed three hours later and flew to Los Angeles Air Force Base (LAAFB) accompanied by its fighter plane escort—and where at the exact same time the American press covering President Obama began questioning where he was, only to be told that President Obama had been missing due to a late-night, off-the-books dinner with three of Hollywood’s elite the White House wouldn’t further comment on.

This SVR report, though, “strongly suggests” that President Obama had, in fact, been aboard the Gulfstream C-37A with Justice Scalia from Andrews Field to Marfa and then further traveled from Texas to Los Angeles on it—which they say is the only conclusion to be reached due to the US Air Force’s continuous protection of it.

In support of this conclusion, this report continues, AF radar and electronic spectrum satellite analysis of Marfa, where the Gulfstream C-37A landed with Justice Scalia and (maybe) President Obama, shows a four vehicle convoy leaving the KMRF airport and traveling to a 12,140 hectar (30,000 acre) estate called the Cibolo Creek Ranch.

Critical to note about this Cibolo Creek Ranch, this report says, is that is owned by Texas multi-millionaire John Poindexter—who aside from being the owner of the vast conglomerate J.B. Poindexter&Co., Inc., is a longtime personal friend of President Obama who in one of his first duties upon elected bestowed a war medal upon Poindexter for his service during the Vietnam War.

As the Obama regime continues with its cover-up of Justice Scalia’s death, this report concludes, President Obama’s pre-knowledge by hours of Justice Scalia’s death.



  2. We've already had BENGHAZI * 9-11-2012 * NEVER FORGET - Christopher Stevens, United States Ambassador to Libya - Sean Smith, U. S. Foreign Service Information Officer - Tyrone Woods, Former Navy Seal and CIA Contractor - Glen Doherty, Former Navy Seal and CIA Contractor The blood of these four BRAVE HEROES is crying out for justice! How much longer will our government hold hearings, investigate and get NOWHERE? Now, the blood of Judge Scalia is crying for justice! Does our military not hear? Are they deaf! Why are Obama, the Clintons and too many others still walking around free! How can this broken, lawless and borderless nation continue with the government now in place? Our Declaration of Independence starts with "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation!"... We don't need a new nation or country... We need our Government BACK! Back to our original Constitution and Bill of Rights, law and order! Our military have sworn an oath to protect and defend our Nation and our Constitution from all enemies, Foreign and Domestic! Justice Scalia needs Justice!
