Saturday, March 26, 2016


Why is it that no one has to teach a baby what it is like to be hungry or need a diaper changed?  Babies cry when they are hungry or soiled. 

Why is it that no one has to teach a baby to feel satisfied after being fed?  Why is it that no one has to convince a baby that he or she is clean after receiving a bath and a clean diaper?  Babies smile when their stomachs are full and when they are freshly clean. 

God has put it in every human being to crave food when we are hungry and cleaning when we are dirty.  It is part of our human DNA.  A baby needs someone to provide the food and the cleaning.  A baby cannot feed him/herself and cannot clean him/herself.

Likewise, God has put it in every person to want to be spiritually-fed and spiritually-clean.  It is part of our spiritual DNA.  When people are spiritually-hungry they are hard to get along with, have bad attitudes and are extremely self-centered.  When a person is spiritually-dirty that person cries, whines and makes life difficult for everyone around them.  We (Christians) experience these realities all of the time trying to relate to non-Christians and wayward Christians in and out of the church.


Because of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the tomb, every person has the chance to be spiritually-fed and spiritually-clean.  Like the baby in the natural world of nature's food and of soap and water who cannot feed nor clean himself, there is no person who has the ability to spiritually-feed or spiritually-clean himself.  The baby has to depend on others for food and cleaning.  Everyone has to depend on God for spiritual food and spiritual cleansing.

If you are not a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, no one has to tell you that you are spiritually-hungry and spiritually-dirty just like no one has to tell a baby when he is physically-hungry or dirty.  The baby knows.  You know.

If you want to be spiritually-fed and spiritually-clean, you cannot do either for yourself. You must come to God through the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank God, Jesus is alive today for you to access via prayer.  Do it and discover, first hand, why the children of God celebrate Resurrection Sunday! 

There is no satisfaction to heart and soul like being filled and cleaned by Jesus. 
How would you describe a hot shower and soap to a person who has never taken a shower?  How would you describe a hearty-filling meal to a person who has never had any more than a table scrap of food at one time?  You could not. All you could do is smile, direct them to the free soap and shower, and the place to find a full and hearty meal at no charge.  The rest is up to them.  Now, it is up to you.  To be full or hungry, or clean or dirty is your choice.

Author Image
Rev. Joda Collins

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