Friday, February 17, 2017

President Trump's Weekly Address

Recap of Week 4. |
The White House

Trump Administration This Week:
Rolling Back Harmful Regulations, Empowering Female Leaders, and Focusing on National Security

This week, President Donald J. Trump continued to fulfill his promise to expand opportunities in America's workforce by signing two bills that will roll back burdensome Obama-era regulations.

President Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met at the White House this week. They affirmed that ensuring equal opportunities for women in the workforce is a priority for both countries and announced the creation of the United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders.

On Wednesday, during a productive day with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Trump reaffirmed our unbreakable bond with Israel and vowed to strengthen the relationship between the two nations to continue fighting the threat of terrorism.

To find out more, please follow President Donald J. Trump and The White House on Facebook and watch his weekly address.

To get more involved, be sure to add your name to our Support Empowering Female Leaders and Trump Stands with Israel petitions.

Thank you for your continued support. 

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