Tuesday, February 21, 2017


There are two long-standing attack web sites aimed towards a long-time friend of mine, Dr. Richard M. Fales.  I met him in 1971, was a member of one church where he was pastor and served as his assistant pastor in another church (both in Florida).  We have remained good friends for all of these years.  He performed my marriage ceremony, I have been in his home untold number of times, and have been a fringe participant in many of his projects; I could never keep up with him!  We have walked through life being there for one another through mutual hard times and supporting each other during personal difficult times.  

I will not go into great detail about the many lies on that attack-web site, but let me expose a few lies so those who read the long list of lies can have confidence there is no merit in any of the charges.  Richard Fales is not the kind of person who will go out of his way to defend himself against false charges. He does not know that am writing this and I do not want to ask his permission because he might say no, and I am the kind of guy who will attack slander and liable.  If he finds this article and does not like it, I can secure his forgiveness even though he will know it is a tongue-in-cheek request. 

The web site claims Dr. Fales states he is the author of a number of books but that he has never written anything other than one historic book about Railroad life.   I do not really know how many books he has written, but I have in my library a book entitled "The Exegetical Science of Koine Greek," ISBN # 978-1-84728-382-5 by Dr. Richard M. Fales.
See at:  https://www.amazon.com/Koine-Greek-Richard-Fales/dp/1847283829/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1484593887&sr=1-1-fkmr0&keywords=koine+greek.+richard+m.+fales .  Obviously, he has written more than one book. 

The web site claims Dr. Fales has only been the pastor of one church in California but he claims he has been the pastor of more than one church.  As I stated, I was a member of Florida City Baptist Church, Florida City, Florida in 1971 and 1972.  Rev. Fales was the pastor.  I was his assistant pastor of Ecclesia Baptist Church in Homestead, Florida (later called Central Baptist Church) in 1973 and/or 1974 (or thereabouts -- it is getting to be a long time ago and exact dates are fuzzy). Dr. Fales was the founding pastor of that church. Both are or were Southern Baptist Churches and I am sure the local Association of Southern Baptist Churches has records of his service.   He was pastor elsewhere, also, but this basic information proves the attack-web site producer a liar.

The web site notes that Dr. Fales claims to be an author of several articles, but notes that none can be found. Here is one.  
 https://www.livingwaters.com/witnessingtool/archaeologyandhistory.shtml . He wrote many more, but it only takes one to prove the web site bogus. 

The web site challenges Dr. Fales education with innuendo, half-truths and outright lies; too many to put in a short article. However, I have given you enough evidence to support my claim that the anti-Richard M. Fales web sites you might come across are filled with vicious lies. If you want overwhelming evidence and will contact me, I will do the work to provide it or direct you to where you can prove things for yourself.  The lying web site exists because a devoted Mormon does not like the anti-Mormon things Dr. Fales has produced or spoken against through the years.  It is an old method.  If you cannot discredit the message, try to discredit the messenger. 

My efforts to get the web site author to correct his web site met with no success.
Rev. Joda Collins

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