Zev Porat

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Archaeologists trace human origins back to ISRAEL?

Scientists may have just discovered the oldest school in history. Archaeologists from Israel's Tel Aviv University uncovered a cave where humans seem to have taught each other to make tools 400,000 years ago. No word yet on the price of tuition.

Conventionally, anthropologists have thought that our modern species, with all its speaking and technological prowess, is around 100,000 years old. But this discovery may mean modern humans have been around much longer.

Ancient toolmaking school in Israel has everyone thinking that our species has been talking, teaching and making tech for a really long time.

Ancient toolmaking school in Israel has everyone thinking that our species has been talking, teaching and making tech for a really long time.
Scientists have been bouncing around a great deal lately especially in 2017 seemingly following proverbial 'bread crumbs' - perhaps - to Israel?

Humans evolved at least 100,000 years earlier than previously thought in Morocco, palaeoanthropologists have discovered, debunking the theory that the Rift Valley of Ethiopia was the ‘cradle of mankind.’

In June of 2017 it was reported the world’s oldest Homo sapiens fossils - which could represent the first human family -  were excavated in a barite mine at Jebel Irhoud, 60 miles west of Marrakesh, and date to between 300,000 and 350,000 years old.

Until now, experts believed all humans living today descended from a population that lived in East Africa. The earliest examples of our species were found in the 1960s by Richard Leakey, at Omo Kibish in south-western Ethiopia dating from 195,000 years ago.

More on that here:

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