Zev Porat

Monday, November 5, 2018


by Rev. Joda Collins.

What  happens when two opposing forces meet at a place where neither will surrender?  War!  Upon the approach to that line it is called a cold war.  When that line is reached by all, that cold war turns from rhetoric to action; I guess that is called hot war.  Our country is involved in two cold wars within our borders.  

First, is the war between the political left and the political right.  By now, everyone with eyes to see, ears to hear and a mind that is functioning knows the political left are, in general, people of immorality, godlessness, lack of self-control, immaturity, lies, hate, opportunistic and a desire to destroy America (our Constitution).  If you do not know these things or cannot admit these things then you are either brain dead or a member of (or a ripe prospect for) the political left.

Until the election of Obama in 2008, the political right was willing (for the most part) to place confidence in the Republic to, eventually, do the right thing. That confidence avoided faster escalation of the cold war and delayed the eventual hot war.  However, the presidency of Obama proved that the political system is too corrupt to trust.  Washington DC is broken beyond repair. The evil is too deep seated.  That does not mean the moral among us have given up trying to make DC politics better with the expectation of brief gain/relief.  It does mean we have given up trying to make it well while we allow the left to survive.  The fight between the political left and the political right is a fight to the death. One side will not win and the other side lose.  More to the point, one side will live and one side will die.  The cold war will increase the rhetoric and the rhetoric will lead to surrender or civil war. Civil war will lead to one side winning and the other side dying. It is that simple.   We are hopeful there can be a peaceful death of the left, but I think that is a childish hope.  The rhetoric of killing those on the other side is already here.  For the left, that rhetoric is open.  For we on the right, that rhetoric is, mostly, among our own.  However, it is here.   For both sides that is not just talk.  

The left wants those on the right dead so the left can fundamentally change America (destroy the Constitution); the 2008 announced goal of Obama   The right wants those on the left dead so we on the right can save our Country (Constitutional Republic) for the next generation. That is the mind set of civil war.  The political right keeps moving the moral and patriotic line in the wrong direction to avoid civil war, but with each move those who tolerate the surrender of our constitutional rights become less inclined to perpetrate that retreat.  The political left will not be satisfied until all lines are erased.

I for one, have had it. I say no more sacrifice of our constitutional rights. We stand and we fight.  

Image result for Thomas Jefferson Quotes

The second cold war is that of the Islamization of America.  Islam has made it clear by action and written proclamation (Koran) that all soil, property, money and possessions rightly belong to Muslims. Islamists have made it clear that they intend to use the weaknesses of our laws to take our Country and enslave and/or kill non-Muslims.  Slavery and murder have been a welcome part of the Muslim agenda for 1,400 years and still are. Islam has pronounced war on the world, including America. Islam brought that war openly to our County in many ways, mostly, by the actions of 9-11.  Islam considers itself at war with America.  It is a cold war, for the most part, except when Islam can get away with open attacks.  Islam is no more a religion than are diabetes, dictatorships or socialism religions.   Islam is a philosophy of world domination shrouded in religious jargon.  The religious jargon of Islam is their Trojan Horse. 

I, for one, have had it with Islam.  We declare war on Islam or we face the only result of war when one side is the aggressor and has time on their side, and the other side simply accepts defeat after defeat content to simply lick their wounds.   

Can't we all just get along?  You tell me how people who kill babies for profit, convenience and/or pleasure (Democrats) can get along with people (Republicans) who find killing babies and those who do, repulsive?  How do American patriots walk hand-in-hand with traitors (Democrats and Islamists)?  How can a non-Muslim entertain Islam since Islam (the Koran and its faithful followers) demand non-Muslims be enslaved, tortured and/or killed?  How does good co-exist on friendly terms with evil?  How do you blend oil and water or combine bright light with total darkness?  If you have a decent answer to any of these questions, let's hear it.  ....  Your mind just went blank!  That is my point.

America, as a Constitutional Republic, is gone if the left or Islam survives.  I am not declaring war on two fronts. I am declaring no more surrender to those who have declared war on us.  However that plays out, let's get to it before it is too late to do anything about it.  Our children and grandchildren deserve a better country than we are leaving them.  We are cowards or patriots. There is no middle ground.  Choose.    

Author Image
Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.

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