Friday, December 28, 2018

Pastor Caspar's Commentaries - Mind Games

Our minds are designed to have a naturally built in process of actively analysing incoming information and triggering previous memories. To simplify, basically every thought releases either poisonous or healing chemicals into your body in response to what you continually think on. Every thought must choose a pathway of faith or fear. Your hypothalamus gland, often called the brain of the endocrine system can only respond to your thought life. This is very important to grasp, because it can only produce chemicals in response to what is going on with you deep within your soul and spirit. We should truly practise examining every thought and ask ourselves, "is this good for me to think this and dwell on it?" Is this something that pleases the Lord or pleases the devil? Can we stay in inner peace and observe outer chaos? Can we trust the Lord no matter how things may look at any given moment? Can we walk in faith and not entertain the spirit of fear of the future which hasn't even happened yet?

Yes we can't always control circumstances and events that happen, however we can control how we respond to them as a child of God. 
We are exhorted in Proverbs 3:5,"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." In other words we don't have to figure it all out, we just need to keep trusting the Lord and understand his extended mercy, grace and love towards us and reflect his goodness like a mirror to the world. Fight back overcomers, trust Papa God for every detail and stay in faith! Because "All", things are possible with God! I pray the Lord's supernatural peace, healing, provision and protection cover you always with oceans of agape love in the almighty name of Jesus/Yeshua!
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