Saturday, December 22, 2018

UPDATE: Largest journalistic scandal in years... DER SPIEGEL reporter messed with wrong small town... How did magazine with renowned 'fact-checking' fall for fabrications?

BERLIN—Europe faces its largest journalistic scandal in years after Der Spiegel, the continent's biggest-selling news magazine, said one of its star reporters fabricated facts in his articles for years.

This week, the star reporter of the German magazine Der Spiegel was fired after it was revealed that he had been fabricating stories for several years. Here, Michele Anderson and Jake Krohn expose the many inaccuracies in his article about their town, Fergus Falls, Minn.

The New York Times had Jayson Blair, who faked dozens of articles and interviews over the years. U.S.A. Today had Jack Kelley, who made up sensational stories about events he had not witnessed and places he had not seen. In both cases, the editors were forced to resign.

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