Thursday, January 3, 2019


By Joda Collins

February 25th is Billy Graham Day which shall be celebrated on the first Monday after each President's Day hereafter. Theme: "If the Son...shall make you free, you shall be free indeed....Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved...." John 8:36. Romans 10:9.
How to promote Billy Graham Day
1. Post this today and often on your social media.
2. Schedule, as soon as possible, a vacation day from your job for February 25, 2019 (the Monday after President's Day/George Washington's Birthday). Your absence will create conversation. 
3. Pastors, honor the world impact of Billy Graham Ministries in your sermon presentation on Sunday February 24, 2019.
4. Send greetings and well wishes to friends and family in celebration of Billy Graham Day about a week in advance.
5. Employers, give the day off with full or some pay to some or all of your employees.
6. Put a sign on your business door, emails and web site such as "Closed on February 25th in honor of Billy Graham Day" or "Closing Early February 25th in honor of Billy Graham Day."
7. Business owners, give a considerable discount on your product or services in honor of Billy Graham Day.
8.  Contact Hallmark Cards and ask them if they will have any Billy Graham Cards for February 25th.  When they produce them, buy some and send them out two weeks early.
Hallmark Cards
Phone number (816) 274-5111 
2501 McGee Street, Kansas City, MissouriUnited States, 64108

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