Saturday, April 6, 2019

How do people fall away from the Gospel truth?

How do people fall away from the Gospel truth? Evidence strongly suggest it all still starts in your thought life. When we go around dwelling on the poisonous thoughts, like entertaining a spirit of fear or un-forgiveness and not mediating on the Word of God you are headed into troubled waters. When you allow yourself to think on what you can't do or how you should have done something you did not do, your going down the wrong pathway. When you think on how someone disappointed you, offended you, and hurt your feelings, or how your life is not working out the way you thought it should so far, you are headed for troubles. Maybe you feel trapped presently and think you are never going to accomplish more than you have already done, or your entertaining that feeling this is the best it will get and this is not very good. I tell you the Gospel truth that is a lie from the enemy of your soul coming to you through theta brain waves. 

Thoughts from the Kingdom of Darkness trying to merge with your thinking to make you think that is your very own thoughts. These are all poisonous thoughts and all poisonous thoughts left lose running about your mind releases poisonous chemicals into your blood stream and will cause harm eventually as any poisonous waste will do. It is going to colour your attitude and perceptions and basically affect and taint everything in your life. Behind such thoughts are unclean spirit trying to become one with you in your thought life. Sent to make you feel like giving up and not even trying. So that you lose your sense of self-esteem, you lose your confidence and feel you might not even try anymore because chances are it won't work out as you are already disappointed with others around you and yourself. So it's going to leave you with a broken heart at the end of the day. But the good news is Papa God wants to heal your broken hearts today and sent Jesus Christ of Nazareth to do this very thing, if you will simply turn to the Lord Jesus/Yeshua and stop giving place to the devil in your life. Proverbs 4:23," Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Fight back overcomers, trust Papa God for every detail and stay in faith! Because "All", things are possible with God! I pray the Lord's supernatural peace, healing, provision and protection cover you always with oceans of agape love in the almighty name of Jesus/Yeshua!
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Caspar McCloud is with Michael Shrieve.

Many years ago I was doing a Radio interview with my band, and for some unknown reason the drummer started telling this story about how I helped write a song for the Rolling Stones in my late teens. He shared great details of how I was in a crowded Pub in England with my first producer Mike Shrieve, (who played in Santana) along with Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones. Mike Shrieve, and Mick Jagger were very close friends and Shrieve wanted Mick to get to know me better after he heard and liked some of the recordings we were doing together. Being a whole generation younger, I was sticking pretty close to my famous mates trying to make a good impression. So there I was following Mick back to our table where Keith and Mike were already sitting, and Mick couldn't help but start signing some autographs along the way. Soon several people asked me for my autograph as well, figuring I must be a celebrity since we were all together. Somehow in the confusion of people trying to get autographs in that crowded room the chap next to me managed to bump into a huge burly fellow and unintentionally caused him to spill his drink. Within a few moments a fight broke out. I unfortunately was caught in the middle and then thrown to the ground. Mick turned around and saw me laying there and shouted loudly to my assailant , "HEY YOU, GET OFF OF McCLOUD"!

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