Zev Porat

Monday, May 13, 2019


by Rev. Joda Collins

Image result for two kids fighting over toy mine
The reason God tells us to love others as we love ourselves is because we love ourselves.  The reason God tells us to do unto others as we would do unto ourselves is because we look out for number one.  From my perspective I am number one and, at best, you are number two. From your perspective you are number one and, at best, I am number two. The Apostle Paul writes, "...everyone seeks after their own interests."  (Phil. 2:21 KJV).  

On the surface, it might appear that human beings are always selfish. However, do not be quick to make that assumption. In the Garden of Eden -- before sin, God told Adam and Eve "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." (Gen. 2:16-17).  In other words, God said, "I know you love yourselves and are looking out for your best interests, so do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because to so would not be in your best interests."  Therefore, looking out for number one in and of itself is not a sin.  Such mentality was part of the human mindset BEFORE THE FALL into sin.

Every time we learn one biblical truth that truth is a foundation for other questions which lead to other truths and the process, it seems to me, never ends.  The truth, that all men seek their own profit, progress, and promotion opens the door to other questions for which the answers make the statement of "looking out for number one" justification for sin or justification for righteousness.  Also, one overriding rule is that there are few things in the world that are 100%.  I am not implying that all men are selfish all of the time and no person ever acts to his or her own detriment in order to benefit others. 

I am saying that it is the natural God-ordained tendency of every person to think first of what will best benefit self.  Add to that the components of sinfulness which we all have and the ability we all have to deceive ourselves and you have destructive and deadly mix wherein even an otherwise good person will throw you under the bus for self-gain thinking he or she has either done God a favor or acted within the will of God.  When that happens to you, unless there is evidence that the individual is really intending to go out of his or her way to purposefully do you harm, try not to take their wrong action against you personally.   Scripture commands, go the extra mile, do not be easily offended, do not take vengeance, return good for bad and pray for the person that mistreated you.  When in doubt, give such a person the benefit of the doubt. Protect yourself from that person's weakness in the future if he or she does the same thing over and over, but do not make one self-centered act he or she made the criteria for your continued friendship or fellowship. Be bigger than their error.  Otherwise, the day will come when your only friend and ally is you.  People are people. We are a mess. All men seek their own. Get used to it. Expect it. Sorry! 

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Rev . Joda  Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.

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