Wednesday, May 15, 2019

White House: The Real Constitutional Crisis is the Democrats' Disregard for Justice

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is right: We are in the midst of a 'constitutional crisis.' It has nothing to do with President Donald Trump's jousting with Congress over subpoenas, however; the crisis is fully one of the Democrats' making as they — unfortunately aided by special counsel Robert Mueller — continue to disregard the pillars of justice and fairness that have underpinned America since its founding," CNN contributor Scott Jennings writes in the Courier-Journal.

"It is hard to take Democrats seriously about Trump defying the norms of the presidency when they are actively assaulting our justice system, hypocritically refusing to accept election results (see: Georgia), trying to eliminate the Electoral College and pack the Supreme Court."

Click here to read more.
"Those who suggest Trump started this trade war with China have it backward. Beijing has been waging economic warfare on the United States for years — stealing our intellectual property, forcing our companies to transfer technology as a price of doing business in China and subsidizing state-owned enterprises to prevent U.S. businesses from competing," Marc Thiessen writes in The Washington Post.
"President Donald Trump showcased his 'America First energy policy' on Tuesday during a trip to Louisiana designed to highlight his administration's efforts to increase liquefied natural gas exports and boost the country's energy infrastructure," The Associated Pressreports. "Under my administration we have ended the war on America energy and ended the economic assault on our wonderful energy workers," the President said.
"The outlook remained rosy among the nation's small business owners in April, with the NFIB Small Business Optimism Index increasing 1.7 points to 103.5," Katherine Feser reports for the Houston Chronicle. "Job creation plans gained, hiring remained strong and expectations for sales, business conditions and credit conditions all improved."
"Every White House has an obligation to inform the American people. While press briefings are one way, this White House provides far greater access in the most important way. According to the White House Transition Project, in his first two years in office, President Donald Trump had nearly 600 on-the-record media interactions . . . far more than his last two predecessors," Raj Shah writes in USA Today.

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