Friday, July 26, 2019

Breaking: Trump Calls for Investigation into Obama, Hillary Clinton... “LET’S LOOK INTO OBAMA THE WAY THEY LOOKED AT ME”

(Jul. 26, 2019) — In remarks broadcast on Fox News at 4:30 p.m. EDT Friday, in remarks concerning a "safe third country" agreement with Guatemala for asylum applicants, President Trump criticized "the Democrats" for opposing his agenda and continuing to "investigate," referring to the now-defunct Russia "collusion" probe.

Seen seated in the Oval Office, Trump was accompanied by the Guatemalan interior minister and Acting DHS Director Kevin McAleenan.

The broadcast is available on C-Span.

As he turned the conversation to the opposing party, Trump said that the previous "Democrat president" should be scrutinized.  "Let's look into Obama the way they looked at me," he said.

He then said the actions of Obama's first secretary of state and Trump's 2016 Democrat opponent, Hillary Clinton, should be "looked into."


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