Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pastor Caspar's Commentaries: In these last days we are seeing a grass root movement unfolding

In these last days we are seeing a grass root movement unfolding, all those good seeds planted are going to be part of the end time harvest.

Truly the devil can't understand the entire future or he would have never seen the Lord Jesus/Yeshua crucified, because besides the fact that the devil has suffered brain damage he is not all powerful and he is not all knowing as the Lord God almighty is.

(Genesis 3:15) The devil rules such sinister organisations like the Illuminati and you can go back and see the original Illuminati card games from the 90's and see pictures of the World Trade Towers being destroyed and the Pentagon on fire. Just like divination, predictive programming is a form of witchcraft. Lets just say all these evil plans were a long time in the making and those who serve the kingdom of darkness who made them shall reap what they have sown for all eternity. Nevertheless, again I remind you anything the devil tries or does the Lord Jesus/Yeshua will always outmaneuver in the end as he did at the Cross and his glorious resurrection.

Today as in times past there are people, even in church who think prophecy is like fortune telling. There is much misunderstanding about the gift of prophecy because so often you'll find it mixed in with people who are oppressed with the spirit of divination operating in them, trying to tell you about your future and at the same time trying to exalt themselves.

How many of you have ever had somebody come up to you and say," I have a word from God for you"? You must always be careful and guard your heart when this sort of thing goes on. The only person that Papa God has equipped to tell you about your future in the entire Holy Guide Book to the Supernatural is a true a prophet. Ephesians 4:11, "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:"

When someone comes to you and says," I have a word from God to speak into your life," you better asked them these important questions, "Are you a prophet and who can prove it?" I have had a numbers of people approach me this way over the years and only some of them were true prophets with an important message the Lord sent through them.

There is a former member on our board of directors who operates in the gift of prophecy and has a track record to prove it. So when Brother Hubie Synn speaks to me about prophetic issues I pay close attention. Hubie is probably at the moment best known for being the prophetic voice the Lord used who spoke into our friend Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's life. They met at an airport and the Lord used Hubie to delivered the message that the Rabbi was to write "The Harbinger", which soon turn into a best seller and was published by our mutual friend Steve Strang.

One of the issues I see as a pastor is how the church today is so desperate in its need to know it accepts whatsoever is spoken without testing the spirits. In its diseases and sickness, and lack of a true intimate relationship with God and His Word, so many in church are willing to hear anything, as long as it is followed it up with," thus saith the Lord." Just like fish will come up and eat most anything you feed them that you cast on top of their water.

So many people are hurting and suffering inside they will often swallow just about anything that makes them feel a wee bit better for a moment without a thought about long term consequences and if it aligns with the almighty Word of God.

I suppose it comes down to this question for each person, was the Bible actually written by man or by God Himself? If you somewhere still think as many people seem to think today that man somehow wrote the Bible it be safe to conclude it would probably contain certain personal viewpoint and prejudices. In other words, there would have to mistakes and errors in it if mere men wrote the Bible. However, if God Almighty actually wrote the Bible as He tells us, then we can expect it to be absolutely perfect and indeed I have concluded it is. Amen

2 Timothy 3:16, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"
I pray the Lord's supernatural peace, healing, provision and protection cover you always with oceans of Agape love.
Pastor Caspar McCloud

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October 24, 2013


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