Tuesday, October 15, 2019


by Rev. Joda Collins.

Congressional Democrats lie whenever lying assists them in their pursuit of destroying the power of the Constitution in our government.  Every one of them should be brought up on charges of treason in our court system, found guilty and sentenced accordingly. 

Their political platform is evil because they are evil. Jesus said a bad tree cannot bring forth good fruit.  Luke 6:43.  The Democrat Party and RINO's combine to constitute a bad tree.  America will not survive as a free republic if the Democrat Party and RINOs succeed.  The Democrat Party and their RINO companions are the enemies of the United States Constitution.   That is why other enemies of America, such as Muslims, socialists and communists, find safe haven in the Democrat Party.  Image all that is Satanic. That is the modern Democrat Party and their RINO comrades. 

Democrats lie whenever lies facilitate their goals of abortion, illegal immigration, the destruction of marriage and family, gun confiscation (denying Americans the right of self-defense), the economic fall of the USA, intolerance of good, anti-God and the destruction of Christianity, the promotion of Islam, child abuse, human trafficking (slavery), race hate and race bating, homosexuality, bestiality, socialism, communism, anti-education for youth, and the destruction of the United States Constitution.  Of course, a few of these evils are still in the Democrat closet.  When a Democrat speaks find out what evil they are promoting and judge their words accordingly.  

To every Congressional Democrat and every Congressional RINO, I say, "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."   John 8:44, NIV.

If you want to know what God is like, read of the life of Jesus. If you want to know what Satan is like, study the modern Democrat Party -- murderers, haters of truth and natural liars. 

With the election of Obama, the Democrat Party/RINOs declared war against America. We have been nice and played only defense.  It is past time for us to openly declare war on them.  We seek the completed destruction of the Democrat Party.  The RINO's will disappear into the shadows with them.  Remember, bullies by nature are cowards. All we have to do is declare war on them, back it up with action and they will surrender.  Play nice with bullies and your ultimate demise is unavoidable.  Only the complete destruction of the Democrat Party will suffice.  

Image result for rabid dog
Like a rabid dog, it is too far gone to save and not destroying it puts everyone in danger. 

Author Image
Rev . Joda  Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.

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