Thursday, February 17, 2022

Fascist False Flag Deception? THERE'S NO NEED TO FEAR; SLEEPY-JOE IS HERE!


By Chris Farrell

The Fascist proclivity for turning to manufactured theatrical productions in order to deceptively advance their agenda may be at play in what is being broadcast as an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine.


What does Putin need most of all?

For Trump NOT to be re-elected in '24.' 

Putin may in fact NOT invade Ukraine and give the "victory," as it would be broadcast by the Main-Stream Propagandists who pose as the Press, to Sleepy-Joe Biden's "Diplomacy" in an effort to bolster the Liberal-Fascist Progressive-Socialist's chances at defeating Trump in '24.'


Nothing would benefit Putin more than if Trump were defeated in '24.' 

Orchestrating the near commencement of full-scale war in Europe, then staging a miraculous diplomatic save and attributing the avoidance of war to Beijing-Biden's diplomatic prowess might be the Hail Mary that the Fascists in Russia and the Fascists in the U.S.A. are placing their hope in to keep one of their own in the Oval Office in 2025.


Putin may well be staging Biden, who clearly has no idea what is going on, to appear to be the Underdog-to-the-rescue who miraculously prevents a full-blown Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Son-of-a-Gun if Underdog's beady little eyes don't resemble Sleepy-Joe Biden's!

Underdog Cartoon theme song - YouTube


Biden's close ties with Ukrainian entities through his crack-head son, Hunter, may too be availing the apparently suffering from Alzheimer's patient of the channels with which to closely coordinate the production of what appears to be a theatrically choreographed ruse with Putin. 
Birds of a Fascist feather quite naturally stick together, especially when threatened by the liberty that President Donald J. Trump represents. 
I'm not betting on the Super Bowl today, but I'm betting that the Russians do not invade Ukraine or if they do it is a made-for-television choreographed false-flag operation intended to give Sleepy-Joe Biden credit for preventing a war thereby increasing the slim chance that any Liberal-fascist Progressive-Socialist might defeat Donald Trump in 2025.

Fascists fake incidents like they fake the news. For example, the way the orchestrated-by-agents-provocateur January 6th riot was incited and the security personnel surrounding the Capitol Building opened up their ranks and waved in the peaceful Trump supporters so that they could fabricate the false narrative of an 'Insurrection;' that kind of staged phony incident to be used as political leverage.

The so-called 'imminent' invasion of Ukraine by Russia and what I suspect will be its orchestrated 11th hour diplomatic avoidance may be another theatrically choreographed incident, like the January 6th Capitol Building Breech, intended to contribute to the defeat of Donald Trump.

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