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Part 6
Chapter Five
Atheism is Indefensible
Is she too late? The driver doesn't appear to have seen his tiny frame moving into its path. Just as it looked hopeless the woman violently grabs hold of his arm and heaves him back toward the curb. He’s startled, upset, and crying. She grabbed him so tight that she bruised his little arm. Not only that but he had never seen his mother so angry and excited. Adrenalin was raging through her body and she was over-reacting to everything at that moment. The fact remains, however, that she had just saved her son from becoming struck by a car.
Just Trying to Help
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This practice of “Primum Succurrere“ is used commonly in hospitals, counseling sessions, personal interventions and parenting every day. In cancer wards, for example, radiation therapy is used to eradicate malignant cells. The therapy itself is very harmful because, well, radiation is a killer. The goal is to kill off the cancer before killing off the person. People taking chemo or radiation therapy often get very sick from the treatment, lose their hair, and in severe cases die. Hundreds of years ago a practice called “bleeding” was common to drain blood from the body so it could be replaced with new blood. George Washington actually died from a “bleeding” procedure which went too far. In most modern cases the act of “hurting to help” is carefully and scientifically thought through. In such things as personal interventions people are quite often unaware of their illness. Many times the ailment is mental and involves a certain addiction. If a person is a chemical substance addict, for example, the detoxification process can be excruciatingly painful and require friends and/or loved ones to impose the painful experience on the person while the chemicals (drugs) are cleansed from the body. It may seem heartless and cruel but it benefit’s the person in the long run. This is called “Primum Succurrere“. Does the Bible provide any examples of “Primum Succurrere“? Well in fact it does and the example is directly related to the atheist. Remember that the Bible calls the atheist “the fool”. Here’s the quote again.
¶<<To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.>> TheThe Atheists are Wrong
fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They
are corrupt, they have done abominable works,
there is none that doeth good.
Psalms 14:1
Now, how does the Bible say to answer the fool? I think you will find this quite interesting.
Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise
in his own conceit.
Proverbs 26:5
There you have it. It’s not something to be taken lightly but it seems to be a required method of dealing with “fools”. It’s a form of love, really. It’s no different than the mother who violently pulls or pushes a child out of harm’s way while hurting the child in the process. In the case of the atheist it’s a hurting of the area of pride more often than not. Modern atheists pride themselves in their intellect and reasoning ability. Not believing in transcendental realities like God severely limits them but it is viewed as a beneficial limitation since the spiritual realities are not bound by the laws of nature, time, and space. The human mind on its own is only capable of interacting and reasoning with nature and so all else is reasoned away. The closed-mindedness of the delusion goes to great lengths to explain such things as good and logic as having a natural origin in order to keep the belief system of atheism intact. As soon as transcendental realities are given any validity they must abandon their atheism. The philosophy of naturalism must not allow any supernatural existence to be real or else it crumbles under the weight of its own absurdity and becomes indefensible. Modern atheism requires a natural origin for everything including people. Even the mass of sub-atomic particles which they say exploded from the size of a dime billions of years ago into what we observe today (big bang theory) must have a natural origin. From that dime-sized cluster emerged, according them, everything in the entire universe. They believe that life evolved from non-life by a process known as a-biogenesis in spite of there being no scientific evidence to support it. They add immense periods of time to their theories in order to invoke plausibility and remove the required scientific responsibility to be able to view the process, test and retest the findings. The result of this belief is not science. It is religion. The Bible gives us a picture that has been shown to be scientifically accurate. It says that God created the heavens and the earth. He created every living thing after its own kind. The word “kind” means “genus”. There are many species within the various kinds which mutate laterally and regressively until they hit the reproductive barriers respectively. The mule is a prime example of this. The mule looks like a horse but is not. It also looks like a large donkey but is not. The mule is the result of the breeding of a donkey and a horse. Now it’s important to note that horses and donkeys belong to the same genus or biblical “kind” along with zebras and so on. Wild horses and domesticated horses are even considered different species but all belong to the same kind. The interesting thing about the mule, however, is that it’s always sterile. It is incapable of producing offspring. When the horse and the donkey mate they are hitting the gametic or reproductive wall of the genus. This wall prevents horses from mating with dogs or ostriches. The biblical account is proven to be true scientifically rather than atheistic evolution since that which the Bible predicts is actually the same as what we observe with science.
Atheism is the philosophy of the silly. It makes up absurd claims, puts sophisticated terminology behind it and calls it science in the hope that common people will not find out the truth. Their funding comes largely from tax payers so if “evolution-gate” ever happened it would mean the end of the gravy train, so to speak. The problem keeping the theory that we’re all just animals from being tossed in the trash heap of human stupidity is that an enormous amount of pride will need to be swallowed by most government agencies who love the nuanced wordage used to explain this philosophical abomination and, well, they’re too blind to be able to see the truth about it anyway. God Himself is responsible, in a way, for the deception. People who begin a path to prideful self worship have experienced what the Bible calls a powerful “delusion”. Here’s what the Bible says about it.
2 Thessalonians 2:10 And with all deceivablenessSo, to sum it all up the delusion is there, sent by God, and waits like quick-sand to trap people in a way of thinking that makes them content to keep on denying the truth. That way people don’t remain “luk-warm” any longer. Here’s their way out of the accountability. They can now claim to be nothing more than animals with apes as their cousins and God has nothing to do with anything at all. Voila! Instant man-made absolution.
of unrighteousness in them that perish; because
they received not the love of the truth, that they
might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong
delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not
the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Those Crazy Atheists
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Atheists have many things in common. Like Dr. Dawkins, they are confused about a great many things. Not only does Hugh Laurie play an atheist on the television series “House” but he’s also a professed atheist in real life. Here’s something else he is, according to wikipedia:
Laurie has periodically struggled with severe
clinical depression, and continues to receive
regular treatment from a psychotherapist.
Atheism is a mental illness. It’s no wonder there is a common trait of depression among them. What about other famous atheists like Billy Joel?
Joel battled with depression for many years. In
1970, a career downturn and personal problems
aggravated his condition. He left a suicide note
(which became the lyrics to "Tomorrow Is Today")
and attempted to commit suicide by drinking
furniture polish, saying later, "I drank furniture
polish. It looked tastier than bleach." - wikipedia
Also from wikipedia:
In 2002, Joel entered Silver Hill Hospital, a
substance abuse and psychiatric center in New
Canaan, Connecticut. In March 2005, he checked
into the Betty Ford Center, where he spent 30 days
for the treatment of alcohol-related problems.
On November 16, 2010, in an interview on the Howard Stern
Show, Billy Joel said that he doesn't believe in a god, and
that he is an atheist.
So much for “laughing with the sinners” eh, Billy? Coincidentally, according to Joel’s own website, his daughter Alexa Ray Joel attempted to commit suicide Dec. 5 th, 2009 because of a “devastating heartbreak”. She also validated an ancient verse from Holy Scripture which reads:
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serveLaughing with the saints is the antidote to depression and works every time it is tried. Abandoning faith in the God of the New Covenant is the cause of a great deal of depression in the world today. Take a good long look at Christopher Hitchens in any of his public debates. Does he look happy? No. Most of the time in these debates he stares at his shoes or off in the distance and doesn't find the strength to look his opponent in the eye or even in their direction. Al Sharpton in his famous debate with Hitchens had to correct him for not looking at him while talking to him. This is not a sign of a mentally stable person who is certain of his convictions.
them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God,
visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children
unto the third and fourth generation of them that
hate me;
Exodus 20:5
Another reason atheism is indefensible is the existence of transcendental realities like “logic” and “good”. We've already covered these extensively. Since they have no natural origin and are not constructs of the mind they are transcendental. Since they exist as transcendental inserts they render atheism indefensible. They have a supernatural source and cannot be adequately explained naturally. Atheism is unable to reasonably and logically explain their existence without invoking ridiculous explanations which make no sense when held to high levels of scrutiny. Neither “logic” nor “good” have any natural origin and can only be explained supernaturally. I am not interested in T.A.G. which stands for the transcendental argument FOR the God for the Bible. I really don’t see how that’s possible anyway. No, what I see as most intriguing is the absolute necessity of the transcendental argument AGAINST atheism. Logic is the one true reason for a person to abandon the philosophy of atheism. It is the reason no one has any excuse to whine about being called a “fool” by myself or even by God. There can be no greater fool than he who keeps that which he can
never retain (his life) to lose that which was freely given him (eternal salvation). It is foolishness to hold an indefensible position simply because you don’t like whatever it is you imagine God to be. Atheism is a position which purposely invokes willful ignorance. Denial is quite often associated with mental illness.
Bringing it up is my gift to you, foolish atheist. It is my act of “Primum Succurrere“.
Atheism Relies on Hoaxes and Deception
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Another reason atheism is indefensible is the overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence pointing to the spirit realm’s existence. People are seeing “things” which cannot be explained away all the time every time. Those who say otherwise are merely putting their fingers in their ears singing “lalala, I can’t hear you”. Ghost sightings and supernatural events are real. Since a person with an experience is never at the mercy of a person with a theory I defer to my own intimate knowledge of this issue. It’s a very personal experience and defies explanation. It’s sort of like dejavu. You experience an event like something as simple as walking into a room and you “feel” as though you've done that exact same act before even though there’s no way that’s possible. Even though you can explain what you mean it’s almost impossible to explain the feeling you get that accompanies the event. You just have this sense of knowing that you've done that same thing or been in that exact same situation before. It’s very strange to say the least. I’m not saying that dejavu is supernatural and I’m not saying it isn't. I’m only using it as an example of the non Piltdown Man-like hoax type of ghost experiences that are genuine and authentic (unlike Piltdown Man [see resource page]) and which defy explanation on a natural level. It’s like politics. It’s been said that a Liberal is just a Conservative who’s never been mugged. Likewise an atheist is just a believer who’s never encountered a real transcendental experience other than that which he is unaware of. If a person dips a cup in the ocean and finds no fish in the cup does that mean there’s no fish in the ocean? Of course not! The cup is the human experience. The ocean represents all that CAN be experienced. I realize that just because something has not been explained naturally it doesn't mean that it never will.
Many, many things have been explained which used to be thought as coming from the gods like lightening, for example. However there are a great many people who have very real, transcendental experiences. They know the intervention power of God intimately. As these people, me included, trust in the hand of God to guide them they actually experience the first hand witness of God’s intervention in their lives. Circumstances change before their very eyes. Atheists have said that all of it can be answered naturally and yes, of
course, if nature has co-operated then there will be a natural explanation. It is only logical to expect that nature would obey its master if it has a transcendental designer.
I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I,See Part 5 here.
even my hands, have stretched out the heavens,
and all their host have I commanded.
Isaiah 45:12
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How long is this book: "The Athiests Are Wrong" going to be?