We at Messiah of Israel Ministries always pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit before we go on outreaches.
Once again, Zev received revelation from the Holy Spirit that he was to go to a mosque in Akko (north Israel) and share the Good News of Yeshua to the Muslims. Zev did not know what mosque, but the Holy Spirit showed him that when he got there, he would know. He was also directed to take Bibles in Arabic and Hebrew and the book, The Rabbi Who Found Messiah.
This happened on a day that terrorists were attacking Israeli IDF solders at the northern border. The Holy Spirit told Zev it's the time to share the true peace and love available only through Yeshua the Messiah.
Romans 1:16 -
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
To walk into a mosque with a Bible and preach the Gospel is very dangerous and can lead to death. Once the door of the mosque is shut, you can easily be eliminated. The last place people will look for you is in a mosque. But with the power of God we are protected to accomplish His purpose.
2 Thessalonians 3:3 -
But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.
Acts 9:15 -
But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel.
End Times! Gospel Preached in a Mosque
As the the team was praying, Zev walked into the big dark mosque. He could sense evil everywhere. Ali asked: "What are you, an Israeli Jew, doing here?" When Ali spoke with hatred and anger, others in the mosque became furious and attacked Zev. They said: "There is fighting now at the borders and you are here to make problems?" As this happened, the door was closed. Praise the Lord. Everything is in Yeshua's hands.
Ali shocked by the book, The Rabbi Who Found Messiah,
right in the middle of the mosque.
They searched Zev's bag and body. One Muslim told others there was nothing, only books. The Holy Spirit told Zev to share love before they start violence. Zev said out loud: "I'm here to deliver a message of love. God loves the Arab people and so do I. I'm sorry there is fighting and hatred. But God wants us to unite for love and peace."
Ali asked what God Zev was talking about? Zev with love and compassion said the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was supernatural. The love of Yeshua overcame the bitter, dangerous and angry Muslims. The Bible says love conquers all (1 Corinthians 13:1-13).
Zev never discredited the Koran because the Bible defends itself. The Word of God says it is sharper than a two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). After Ali showed the dark evil Koran, Zev took out the Word of God in the Hebrew and Arabic Bible and began to share the love of Yeshua. Zev proclaimed that Yeshua is the Messiah and only through Him can we ever have peace forever. Ali said: "Your own people do not accept Yeshua. Why do you come to us?" Zev: "The Jewish people are coming to faith in Yeshua like never before. We are in the Last Days. The time is very near."
It was amazing. Ali and other Muslims in the mosque at the very beginning almost wanted to kill Zev, but now fascinated that a native-born Israeli Jew loves them. The Holy Spirit was at work. It was time Zev shared about Rabbi Kaduri. Ali and others were shocked that Rabbi Kaduri was a big Jewish spiritual leader. Zev told them he left a note a year after his death, revealing that Yeshua is the Messiah. "Impossible" said Ali. Zev then pulled out the book, The Rabbi Who Found Messiah, and read the note and the explanation about the note. Silence broke out in the mosque.
Zev and Ali in the Word of God. Glory to Yeshua.
The Holy Spirit was all over the dark mosque.
The light of Yeshua was hovering over the dark mosque. Zev then said the enemy has tried everything to keep Jews, Arabs and all mankind from salvation. God is a God of love and mercy. Yeshua came for Jews, Arabs and all nations. Zev expressed over and over that he loves the Arabs and God loves the Arabs. We have all fallen astray. Yeshua died on the tree for our sins, rose after three days and by His blood if we repent and believe in Him, we have eternal life. Jew and Arab are one in Yeshua, Isaac and Ishmael united in love.
Ali and others in the mosque were totally shocked. Unbelievable, Ali asked to read the Word of God. Once again the book, The Rabbi Who Found Messiah, opened the door through the Holy Spirit to the true Written Word of God.
Zev and Ali read many Bible verses including the promise to Ishmael (Genesis 17:20; Isaiah 53; John 3:16).
We pray for their salvation. One thing is sure they will never be the same again. Zev left five Bibles in the mosque and left without a scratch. We give all the glory to the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Yeshua the Messiah.
We are in End Times. The Kaduri revival continues.

May the glory of HaShem, YHVH Tsavaot, rest in all those that proclaim the love of G-d for man, and man for G-d.