We have a theory...
PPSIMMONS News Exclusive
May 18, 2013
At PPSIMMONS News we have reported frequently on the activities of the Obama operatives and their attempts to derail the Obama Fraud Criminal case of the Sheriff Arpaio Cold Case Posse. We have exposed their nefarious tactics and reported their occasional uninvited "guest" appearances on Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups.
The folks at The Post And Email news site even posted an eye-opening and powerful article in which they believe they may have exposed an Obamabot apparently admitting, on an archived radio program, that he was a White House attorney! Of course, if that fact is true - then a federal crime is clearly involved.You can read that article and hear the recording of the radio show HERE.
The story of the fraudulent document posted on the White House website, the only document ever proffered by Obama as his identification, may then be much deeper than we ever dreamed.
Given the depths of the lies and misinformation in the Benghazi scandal, the AP scandal, and now the IRS scandal, why is too far-fetched of an idea to believe that the Obama administration has been employing the identical tactics in the cover up of Obama's identity and, perhaps, using government agencies and officers to do the deed?
Oddly, the only person who is presently and vehemently attacking Arpaio and Zullo and their official law enforcement criminal investigation is Orly Taitz. This fact has led some to believe that even she could be an Obama operative. We at PPSIMMONS News are not stating this as an official allegation - we are only questioning Taitz' motives and tactics which seem to be suspiciously similar to the now silent Obamabots. See our latest story on the strange Orly Taitz phenomenon here.
Indeed these are interesting times in which we live. Stay tuned. PPSIMMONS News will keep you updated. Often - the news you will get in the Obama Fraud Case will come to you first from here. Sign up for our automatic email newsletter updates.
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This has to do with the Birth Cert issue.
ReplyDeleteIt is well known to me that the Birth Certificate is a forgery. From this, we can draw a conclusion that this person that created it, did not think this up on his own, even if he did, he gave it to obama to show the Public and that creates a Conspiracy and Conspiracy to commit fraud and this would also make obama culpable in this conspiracy, as he is the one that showed the BC to the public claiming it was his "Real" BC . In addition, obama can now be charged with withholding evidence. When you factor in that obama has the ability to show that the BC is a forgery and has not shown it, even after repeated attempts to have him show the Real thing.
Even if obama showed the forged BC as a tool to polarize etc... He is still used a Forged document and charges can be brought against him for this.
I just wish the wheels of Justice would turn as fast as the wheels of crime did. After his term is over, it will be to late and the damage will be done and may not be reversible.
I pray the Cold Case Posse and Sheriff Joe Arpaio are protected in the search for Justice and for you as well.