"Is this muddying of
the water a purposed act on her part?"
A PPSIMMONS News and Ministry Exclusive Report
By Carl Gallups
May 18, 2013
Let me begin by saying that I
know Orly Taitz personally. I have interviewed her on my radio program on
several occasions. She has even contacted me a couple of times asking to appear on my radio program. I have been in conference with her before - we were
guest speakers at the Dallas Constitutional Elections Conference some time back. We had a lengthy personal conversation at that meeting. I
have lifted her up and supported her publicly in many different venues. I have, in the past,
defended her cause using my good name and reputation.
She sought me out in the crowd at
CPAC 2013 on three different occasions for the purpose of talking with me. She even invited me to eat lunch with her and her other guests.
Practically every time we spoke she leveled negative charges against Mike Zullo and
Sheriff Arpaio and their investigation as compared to hers. I even arranged a
sit-down meeting with Taitz and Zullo at CPAC so that Mike Zullo could answer
her concerns. Mike Zullo was the consummate professional and gentleman in that
meeting. I witnessed the meeting and heard every word of it. He was patient
with her, kind, respectful, and thorough in his answers to her.
She seemed to "get it"
at that meeting. But, obviously she did not - as is now apparent by her continued
mantras - some of them the same as at CPAC. I truly have no desire to disparage
her, although she certainly seems to have no hesitation in disparaging me or
Mike Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio. She continually unleashes a barrage of
misinformation and accusations against us on her website. She proclaims that her website is the "World's Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site."
Taitz' sometimes false and often misleading
allegations only serve to "muddy the water" in the eyes of the world
and the legal community concerning the whole issue of the highly suspicious
nature of the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama. She is making a mockery of the
issue. She has now become the biggest detractor of Arpaio and Zullo on the net. This fact seems suspicious to me. Is this "muddying of
the water" a purposed act on her part? Is she really an Obama operative
in disguise? I do know that since Mike Zullo and I have brought up that possibility on the radio and in print - Orly has yet, to date, to deny our speculation. That fact, in and of itself, seems odd to me. I have no concrete evidence that she is an Obama operative, only anecdotal evidence
that leads me to wonder and to ask the question. The same questions, the same attacks, the same misinformation tactics are used by the Obama operatives on a continual basis.
I have also noticed that several major publications that used to prolifically carry Orly's progress announcements in the Obama identification scandal have ceased doing so. I think this is very telling as well.
Taitz' primary accusations are:
(These have been highly simplified for this article)
1. Zullo and Arpaio are doing
nothing. They are doing nothing on purpose solely for the reason of raising
more money through their fund raising website.
3. Zullo is simply doing
publicity interviews so that he can write a book.
4. The Affidavit Zullo supplied
for the Alabama Supreme Court Case is worthless and will not be used. Zullo is
hyping its importance.
5. I am assisting Zullo in his
“nefarious” efforts.
Here are the answers to her
charges: (These have been highly simplified for the purposes of this article)
1. Zullo and Arpaio have never
stopped working on this case. They have amassed a ton more evidence in the case
since the second press conference they held. Zullo has said this publicly, and on
numerous occasions. The 207 point affidavit proves that point in that there is
new information in the document, yet Zullo assures us that even that affidavit is only
"the tip of the iceberg" as to what they possess in total for a
criminal case. They are still actively collecting evidence and seeking new leads.
Raising money is necessary for the investigation because no taxpayer funds are
being used. Zullo has always been upfront about this fact. The entirety of the funding for the Obama fraud investigation comes
from patriot citizens. Raising funds, however, has never been the emphasis of
Mike Zullo's press releases or interviews. Taitz is wrong. There is much about
Zullo's case of which she simply has no knowledge.
2. Zullo and Arpaio have filed no
criminal charges because it is not within their jurisdiction to do so.
Taitz should know this. Any first year law student or police academy attendee
knows this. The citizens of Maricopa County felt they had been defrauded in an
election - they asked their Sheriff to investigate. He did so through the
CCP. They discovered that a document
connected with the President of the United States had been forged, fabricated,
and was 100% fraudulent. Arpaio has no authority to march to the White House
and make arrests of the perpetrators and accomplices. However, Congress, the
Federal Courts, Federal prosecutors, and Federal law enforcement do have that
authority and responsibility.
The mainstream media also have a
duty to report and investigate this possible fraud of the highest degree. They have done so in other scandals. Remember Watergate? Do you see what the “slow up” has
been? Think about who is running the
“Justice” Department. The FBI is under the auspices of the Department of Justice as well. Congressmen are
afraid, uninformed, or corrupt. The courts are terrified of the case. Yet not a single Federal court has heard the case on its full and legal merits ...not a single one.
This has been a long
and frustrating ordeal – but now, thanks to Mike Zullo’s trip to CPAC and Capitol
Hill – and thanks to the Benghazi, IRS, and AP scandals – the doors are
beginning to swing wide open. VIPs are now seeking out the Arpaio investigation.
Meetings are being held, conferences and evidence explanation conclaves are
taking place or are set to take place. People with money, influence, power, and
standing are finally coming forward. This still does not guarantee that
anything will happen, but promises and plans are being made to make something
happen at the federal and criminal level. These things take time. Taitz should
also know this full well.
3. Zullo has never publicly
proclaimed that he is going to “write a book.” He certainly has the freedom to
do so, and many would say – a responsibility to do so once this thing is over.
There would be nothing immoral, illegal, or improper for Mike Zullo to write a book about this topic sometime in the future. This event is monumental and historic. Generations to come will want to know the
details. Mike Zullo would almost be derelict in his historical responsibilities
if he did not write a book or give the information to someone else to write it.
The only thing Zullo is doing publicly at this juncture is exposing the fraud
of the White House Obama identification document. Zullo may or may not write a
book. But if he does, he certainly has the factual material upon which to base
a fascinating historical account of this monumental matter. No one ever questioned Woodward and Bernstein when they wrote their book about Watergate. People wanted to know the facts - they expected them to write the book. Surely Orly knows this as well?
4. The affidavit supplied to the Alabama Supreme Court was requested by Larry Klayman, the attorney for the
plaintiffs. Zullo has always been crystal clear in this matter. The Alabama
Supreme Court can enter the affidavit into evidence or it can reject it. Zullo has been clear in this matter of fact as well. The
plaintiff attorney feels there may be a good chance it will be used. If it is
used as evidence it will be a devastating blow to the Obama people who are
desperately trying to get this case thrown out of the Alabama Supreme Court.
This is why Zullo took the many hours necessary to prepare the document. Even
if the document is not “used” in the case – it still serves the purposes of:
- Getting this information into the hands of the public and the media
- Having the possibility that the Alabama justices will at least read it
- Counteracting the Democrat filing of their erroneous and highly suspect affidavit.
Any clear thinking person can see
the importance of the affidavit. Why can’t Taitz?
By the way - ask yourself - Why would the Democrats of Alabama try to get the case thrown out? Seems like this would be a perfect opportunity to clear the name of Barack Hussein Obama. Why not just present 100% legal and verifiable proof that Obama is a legal citizen and be done with the matter? I say that they will not - because they cannot. Put up or shut up is what I say to the Obama operatives.
See WND's exclusive report: Obama eligibility appeal in Roy Moore's court HERE.
5. I have clearly shown (many
times over) that Zullo, Arpaio, and the CCP’s efforts are not “nefarious.” I
have always been upfront concerning my relationship with Mike Zullo. It was
announced to the world that I traveled with him to CPAC and to Capitol Hill. I have
had him on my radio program on several occasions – just as I used to have Orly
on my show. The only assistance I am giving Mike Zullo and the CCP is the
advancement of truth. I will continue to do so. Zullo and I have always said –
we only want the truth. If someone can prove us wrong and prove that Obama is legally
documented and qualified to hold the office of POTUS – we will walk away from
the entire matter. So far, not a single person has done so. Nor have they even seriously attempted to do so. Sheriff Arpaio has made the same offer - to no avail. I think I know
From this point forward, every
time you read or hear of an Orly Taitz attack on the CCP’s legitimate, duly
sworn, law enforcement based investigation – remember this article. It might
shed some light on what is really going on.
Related Article PPSIMMONS News - Caught? IRS Scandal Shutting Down the Obamabots?
Mike Zullo responds to false allegations
Recorded 5-22-13 PPSIMMONS RADIO
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Mike Zullo responds to false allegations
Recorded 5-22-13 PPSIMMONS RADIO
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I think that you have explained the position well.
ReplyDeleteIt just serves no purpose for people on the same side to question each other.
I do hope that everyone understands clearly that this matter can not easily be cleared up. It goes very high up and has been covered up by people in government, the media and politicians.
No one should expect that they can determine what another person should be doing unless that have walked a mile in their shoes. A lawyer is facing judicial reviews for law suits. A Sheriff is receiving death threats. Investigators are hitting stone walls, commentators are putting their professional names on the line. EVERYONE is doing as much as they can within their own sphere of influence.
I only hope that the truth will prevail.
I agree: it serves no purpose to question people on the same side, and this includes questioning Taitz, especially the accusation she's on the other side. This bothers me.
DeleteYes Pat - we agree. We say if Orly is so concerned about the Sheriff filing charges - why doesn't she give her work to HER SHERIFF and ask him to file charges? Do you see the duplicity and deception here? Trust Arpaio and Zullo. They are proven professionals and they are working hard. Soon you will see real results.
DeleteDear MUNZ - brilliantly summarized! Thank you and God bless you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for clarifying what Dr. Taitz has seemingly not been able to understand or digest, as to the reasoning and legalities behind the Arpaio/Zullo investigation.
ReplyDeleteMany of us who have followed Orly from the beginning (and have simply known by our own devices, since 2007 and before that O.'s edibility was negated because of Obama senior's British citizenship as well as other unseen factors). We realize how tirelessly Orly has pursued the eligibility and fraudulent document(s) situation(s), and we are grateful for her persistence.
We would (however) like Orly to understand process and assimilate everything that the Arpaio/Zullo investigation has outlined, and what has been presented here. We would also like to see her ally with the Arpaio/Zullo investigation, rather than operate in a combative mode.
We do understand and acknowledge her being one of the first and only people to seek the truth in the O. eligibility case, and she deserves recognition for her hard fought battle. We want her to join hands with the Arpaio/Zullo investigation and be part of the understanding of why this case is being pursued in the way it has been.
We hope that Dr. Orly will consider the explanations given here and that she will take a hard look at the outlined points of the investigation.
Thank you for breaking it down for those of us who follow the Arpaio/Zullo investigation as well as those of Dr. Taitz.
carl&mike, don't pay any attention to what the munz just said, he sounds like an obama operative! Patronize is what he is doing,you just told us you think she may be an operative, and he tells you, your on the same side,that's the work of someone not listening and that is why they don't know what they are talking about, or more witchcraft from the left against judeo-christian white men. Carl you told what the targets are with homeland security. Carl, you Joe,and Mike ARE A FIRE BREAK AGAINST what is happening the fire is rushing toward us.
ReplyDeletetaitz, has a spirit of jezebell, 70 percent or more of women voted for obama, deceived. I stake my reputation in the Lord on you men having GODLY INTENT,LIKE THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN white FATHERS,GRANDFATHERS, GREATGRANDFATHERS, THAT BUILD THIS GREAT COUNTRY! Arpaio, alone is the one leader this wickedness is afraid of. And the fact that Carl, and Mike follow him is the PROOF that he is a GOD fearing man. And now JUDGE MOORE, Carl if you have to die for this , what better MEN to die with!
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking about this all day! Dr. taitz is trying to do a delilah on zullo and vex him till he tells her everything he knows. she has got to be an operative! I've never seen the reason for her to be a leader in this. She does not have what a noble christian or jewish women has. esther!
ReplyDeleteI just read the brief,and all I can say is WOW! This is madness,we have a man sitting in the most powerful seat in the WORLD,and NOBODY knows who he is. IF IT is found and proven,(has I'm sure it will be) that he a phony, there should be lots of people put in jail for this madness,and our elected official should ALL be thrown out of office,for putting their countrymen in danger. THEY ARE NOTHING BUT COWARDS,PLAN AND SIMPLE! A disgrace to the office they hold.and I would hope we would be smart enough to put safeguard in place so this MADNESS doesn't happen again. My feeling is this was a lot to do with race,people didn't want to say anything for fear of being called a racist.But to f@cking bad,you people could have distorted our country.COWARDS.COWARDS,COWARD!
ReplyDeleteRegarding your statement that "Zullo and Arpaio have filed no criminal charges because it is not within their jurisdiction to do so"-- you most probably know about that part of the intended crime, which has happened also in the territory of the Maricopa County, where Sheriff Arpaio does has jurisdiction; so it's not about lack of jurisdiction... and you most probably wouldn't tell us the real reason(s)..., which is understandable...God be with you. He is capable of changing us...
ReplyDeleteActually you are mistaken. The ONLY jurisdiction that Maricopa County might have would be a "civil" case against the election system process (similar to the Alabama Sup. Ct. Case). There is NO criminal case in Maricopa County. Mike and Carl have addressed this fact time and time again. They are "hiding" nothing. The CCP is interested in the CRIMINAL side of this case ONLY. Taitz has been focusing on the civil side of the case. If Taitz is so concerned about pressing CIVIL charges why does she not demand that HER sheriff file charges in HER county? Hmmmm. Something to think about, huh?
DeleteI have repeatedly heard Sheriff Arpaio and Mike Zullo say alternatively:
ReplyDelete--that they were not investigating the Communist Muslim Sodomite's Criminal Usurpation but a --now proven-- criminal forgery,
-- that they would drop the case if the Communist Usurper provided legal proof of his identity.
A forgery is a forgery is a forgery is a forgery.
Nothing now can make that the false alleged "birth certificate" wasn't made and used to deceive the people of Maricopa County.
So please, tell Lt Zullo to stop saying that he would drop the case if the Criminal Usurper were to prove his identity, let alone his alleged "eligibility.
At that stage of the criminal investigation and given the evidence of fraud, wouldn't that border on obstruction of justice?
I have found several spelling mistakes, missing words, and a paragraph repeated in the Affidavit. Here is my corrected version:
Vincent - Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups CONTINUALLY say this because it is TRUE. Nothing is settled until it is settled. They both only want truth in this matter. They both are coming at this like professional investigators...without "prejudice." Until the case is settled by a congressional investigation and/or court of law - they are open for more evidence to be presented. They are stressing their integrity in this matter. They do not have a political axe to grind - only a desire to see our constitutional republic preserved.
DeleteI have a tendency to agree with "Who knows?" on this. The WH is becoming more and more corrupt by the day. This is not the time to drag feet so to speak. I think after a certain amount of time has passed (reasonable) that people begin to expect some action to be taken. My thought is that someting doesn't happen very soon people will lose interest and this will fall by the wayside. God knows your heart and motives .. enough said.
ReplyDeleteZullo, Arpaio, and Gallups are NOT dragging feet. They have been working tirelessly on this case since the beginning. They have sacrificed more than you will ever know. It is CONGRESS that has been dragging their feet and constitutional duty. Zullo and Gallups believe that is changing now. The process is slow and grueling. But, Zullo and Gallups are tirelessly doing their part. And YOU have done....??????
DeleteI totally agree with you. I don't think anyone else has worked half as hard or as long as the Sheriff or Mr. Zullo. Progress may be slow but I'm sure everyone will agree with me that nobody wants to see this case thrown out on a technicality. I know I don't. And all these people who are complaining that it's taking too long should maybe see what if anything they could do to help out. Sorry if there are any misspellings in my reply. But I'm not as perfect as some on this page. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK SHERIFF AND ZULLO. There are lots of people pulling for you guys.
DeleteI have not heard, but would like to hear a clear explanation of why a crime has not been committed in Maricopa County (it would appear that the voters in that county were the victims of fraud). What prevents the Sherriff (or local citizens) from presenting evidence to the Maricopa County Prosecutor and asking the Prosecutor to file a criminal complaint in the County court, or to form a Grand Jury which would investigate a possible crime? Please help us understand.
ReplyDeleteStephen - Zullo has said over and over again on radio and in print - that a criminal case presented in Maricopa county would be WAY TOO PREMATURE. This is MUCH bigger than Maricopa County. Be patient and trust Arpaio, Zullo, and Gallups. They are the professionals in this deal. They know what they are doing. More than likely - the fraud against the voters would be a civil case - not criminal - as is the case in Alabama right now before the Supreme Court. Arpaio is pursuing a CRIMINAL case at the FEDERAL level. Patience.
DeleteI agree and disagree with your article. I agree Arpaio lacks jurisdiction to prosecute whoever produced the forgery. I disagree that what they are doing will actually cause the ouster of the resident. Even if someone gets convicted of fraud, that won't present the evidence and the will to prosecute the resident. What Arpaio and Zullo are doing is important, but it is only one piece of the puzzle. Taitz has fought valiantly to bring a winning case into court. She suffered persecution before she came to America. I see the likelihood that she is defending herself because she has been unsuccessful. I don't think she's an operative.
ReplyDeleteWe pray you are correct about Orly. It is definitely one or the other. Carl is on record as being a past and strong supporter and defender of her work. Only fairly recently has she begun to trash Carl along with Zullo. Her accusations are erroneous, rash, and serve to muddy the water. Carl is having nothing more to do with her until this case is settled properly. Carl and Mike are on record saying that what they are doing may or many not cause his ouster. They just want the truth told - officially regardless of the final outcome. The final outcome is not in Carl or Mike Zullo's hands.
DeleteSounds like she's got her own book deal in her mind. Usually when people start making wild accusations, it's a psychological term called "transference", the guilty pary placing their own shame and blame on other people to keep on their current path. Now i don't personally know Taitz, but if she actually had anything to take Obama down with, there's 5 scandals she has to work with to do just that. Even implicating him in Fast and Furious should be enough to impeach him on grounds of treason against the american people for providing weapons to mexican drug cartels that are being used to murder american citizens in Phoenix and Tuscon A.Z.
ReplyDeleteOur response: To your comment
ReplyDelete"HOWEVER, it APPEARS (just appears, mind you) that Orly is simply sick and tired of beating her head against a wall, and just wants SOMEONE to do their freakin' job, while Zullo an Co. want to milk this for as long as possible. I'm really not taking sides.."
OUR RESPONSE: Yes - you are taking sides and you just did so. If Orly wants a Sheriff to file charges why does she not ask HER sheriff to take what SHE has and "file charges?" Ever thought of that? It is for the same reason that Arpaio is not filing "charges" in his jurisdiction...he CAN'T. How many times does Carl and Zullo have to explain this to you? Orly knows - she's a lawyer. Orly is not nearly as "innocent" as you have made her out to be in this matter. She has been involved with Zullo and Arpaio in one fashion or another since day one. She has attacked and attacked and attacked. - JUST LIKE THE OBOTS. Soon - you will see who gets something DONE in the is matter - at the end of the day - it more than likely will NOT be Orly. Just hang on. OH and by the way - Thanks ;-) for "not taking sides." Good grief.