Zev Porat

Sunday, November 6, 2016


by Rev. Joda Collins.

Hillary continues to run the same television ads.  I guess the Clinton folks are out of ammo.  I have already debunked those ads, but for the sake of those who did not see my previous articles regarding those ads, permit me to summarize. 
Yes, Donald Trump said a bad word, made some awkward movements with his hands and arms (1) and made two or three inappropriate sexual remarks in the past 10 or 20 years.  To put things in perspective, I doubt there is one among us who has never used a curse word, never made some awkward movements with our arms or hands to emphasize shock or confusion or never said something of a sexual nature that if broadcast to the world, we wish we never said.  If we are searching for a President that never used a curse word, never used overly-demonstrative body language to emphasize a point and never said anything of a sexual nature that was inappropriate, I think the office of the President of the United States would have to be filled by people age 10 and younger. 

When the entire Democrat Party and RINO Republicans, along with their multi-millions of dollars can only find this much dirt on one person, that person must be a pretty good person!  I wish my life history was this good.  Just as a thought, what could be unearthed about your past? 

However, Hillary does have a lot of things that Donald does not have. 
1.  Charges of treason.
2.  Charges of money laundering.
3.  A long line of dead bodies that were her political enemies.
4.  A spouse to bring into the White House who is a sexual predator.
5.  Multiple charges of curse-laced tirades when she does not get her way.
6.  The need for an ambulance to be part of her motorcade.
7.  A confession that she does not know how to recognize classified material.
8.  Selling American interests to foreign governments, rich individuals and large corporations.
9.  An indisputable life-long record of being a pathological liar.
10.  A sexist remark that she should be elected because she is a woman.
11.  The promise of caring about children by killing as many as possible as they exit the womb. 
12.  A memory that fails over and over again on major issues, evidence by her many statements of "I don't recall/remember."  
13. The guilt of four dead Americans left to die in Benghazi at the hands of some of the most cruel people on earth.
14.  A promise to raise taxes on the middle class and the job producers (upper financial class).
15.  A commitment to Socialism and Communism.
16.  A commitment to Obamacare and to the constant cost increases.
17.  A commitment to open borders and free money, housing and medical treatment to those who enter our country illegally.
18.  A commitment to college education for everyone paid for by every taxpayer. 
19.  A record of stealing furniture from the White House.
20.  A commitment to continue to use executive orders to override/change our laws, and ignore Congress and the will of the American people.
21.  Under investigation by the FBI and IRS.
22.  The high probability of being indicted and a possibility of being impeached while in office.
23.  A record of a failed politician.
24.  The promise of increased federal laws invading the rights of parents.  That is what "it takes a village to raise a child" means.  
25.  Plans to continue to demoralize the US Military.
26.  Plans to continue to degrade the US Military until we cannot protect ourselves.
27.  An anti-Israel agenda.
28.  A campaign bus that does not unload gallons of human waste into the water drainage system.
29.  Uncontrollable physical spasms, lapses of memory and lapses cognitive ability.
30.  One of the most grating voices in the universe.
31.  A thirty-year record of living off of tax-payer money and bribes.  The inability to make a living in the private sector.
32.  The likelihood of being blackmailed by foreign governments who have her emails. 
33.  Lacks the ability to keep our national secrets secret.  Because of her, the world powers now know it takes the USA four minutes to mount a response to and/or initiate a nuclear attack!
35.  Endured and hospitalized for traumatic brain injury in her senior years and appears to have lasting damage such as bazaar facial expressions and disjointed eye movements.
36.  Evidence of rapidly failing health.  She quit the office of Secretary of State to rest up for three years for her 2016 Presidential run.  
37.  A cheat.   She took questions in advance of the presidential debates against Donald Trump and dishonesty is evident in her campaign against Sanders.  
38.  Holds a public position and one she hides until it is time for implementation. 

The list goes on and on.   I tire of listing them and I am disgusted to think of them.  I've listed enough.  You get the idea.  

One of her ads ends by implying that it only takes one wrong decision/move to start a nuclear war.  If that were true, then she and Obama would have blown up the world at least three-hundred times in the past seven plus years.  If it is true that one wrong decision can bring us to nuclear war, you surely do not want Hillary at the controls.  The combination of failing memory, seizers, brain damage, an antagonist towards Putin, uncontrollable tantrums, and a god-complex, being a traitor, a globalist, being narcissistic-sociopath, easily blackmailed and being pro-Muslim and anti-US military makes her about the worst choice for commander-in-chief as anyone could possibly imagine.  
If you are intent on putting the most moral person and the most rational person in the White House, your only option is Donald Trump. 

Author Image
Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.

(1)   http://www.caintv.com/proof-trump-never-mocked-a-dis
Comments, facts and accusations are not heavily referenced because confirmation is easily found on the internet with a click. 

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