by Rev. Joda Collins
Why did Afghanistan fall in one day after 20-years of the US Military training Afghan soldiers? Like most things in life the answer is simple once you see it.
1. The US Military does not train foreign troops to fight. The US Military shows foreign
troops how to fight and assumes they will fight like we do when we are gone. I saw this first hand when I served in the 7th Air Force Inspector General's Office in 1970-71 (Saigon, Vietnam). The foreign troops join their military because the US funded lifestyle they are afforded is far better than the lifestyle they have when not in their American-backed military. The US dollar pays their way. They do not join to fight. They join to get a better paying job with better benefits.
2. What the foreign troops had before American troops got there is not significantly different or better compared to what they expect when we are gone. They do not consider the difference worth dying for. So, when we pull out, they quit.
3. The US Military does not address the crooked governments in foreign lands whose major goal is to suck from the financial resources of the US as much as they can for as long as they can and hope when the US pulls out they are allowed to also leave. Our Military does not even address the Communists and Socialists traitors in our own government. You do not really expect them to address the crocked and evil governments in foreign lands that our crooked government call our allies, do you?
4. The majority of US Military Generals are spineless. Mostly they are just existing in uniform feeling superior to those below their rank, inferior to those exceeding their rank and trying to look busy and important. Every aware person in Military uniform knows it. Generals that are not spineless are trapped in a system that does not function effectively nor change easily. We saw how the government attacked President Trump when he tried to change the government for the better.
5. The Military takes orders from people like Joe Biden. It is foolish to expect victory when we leave countries on their own when our mission there is overseen by our inept leadership.
6. The US Military is too far gone to save without a complete overhaul of it. President Trump could have done it in two terms if the Democrats and RINOs were not harassing him 24/7, 365.
The US Military is in too many ways more like F Troop and McHale's Navy than one might imagine or feel comfortable to admit. I wish it were not so.
The four years I spent in the Military left me heart-broken about what I learned, saw and experienced. Most of the rank and file of the military are good people. The system stinks. Do not misunderstand me. I am pro-US Military. I am not pro-US Military failure.
I had hoped that things changed in the Military since my time (1968-1972), but the fall of Afghanistan (2021) is a frame-by-frame re-enactment of the fall of Saigon (1975). Sadly, it appears nothing has changed.

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