Zev Porat

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ray Comfort's "180 Movie" - a horrific exhibition of human depravity

54 countries allow abortion, which is about 61 percent of the world population. Canada has exactly no laws governing or restricting the killing of unborn children... none. A mother's womb should be the safest place on earth for a child and yet women are killing their babies by the millions.

Adolf Hitler killed deformed, mentally ill and disturbed people by virtue of their imperfectness. Western societies are no better than he when determining that a child found to have the exact same defects in the womb are given the same treatment afforded to those with similar afflictions under Hitler's reign of terror.

Additionally, as a matter of convenience, millions of babies are murdered in the mother's womb every year because the mother decides that her immediate situation has no room in it for another human being - entirely similar to the decision made by the Nazi's regarding the "inferior" persons known as the Jews.

Should the world stand up for the millions of people slaughtered in the mother's womb every year? - slaughtered because, like the Jews in the eyes of Hitler, the child is simply not wanted? If not then there was no moral reason the stop Hitler from bulldozing millions of people into the ground alive. There is currently no moral reason to stop any slaughter going on anywhere in the world if there is no moral reason to stop the slaughter of innocent people inside what is supposed to be the safest place on earth. Watch this powerful expose' - it will change your life.

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