Zev Porat

Friday, November 11, 2011

BREAKING - Toronto Zoo says being "gay" is not "NORMAL"

ABC News reported November 8th that the Toronto zoo will separate a pair of "gay" penguins.

“The males will be put in with a specific female so they have the chance to get to know one another, and if they bond, that’s what we’re looking for,” Bill Rapley, the zoo’s executive director of conservation and wildlife, told ABCNews.com.

The hypocrisy here is more than astounding. They are forcing these male "gay" penguins to separate so that they can interact with females! The overwhelming atrocity here comes further on in the story when the relationship between these two penguins is described as not "normal". In fact - a spokesman from the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology in Ithaca, N.Y. went so far as to say the activity is "odd".

“When you put things in captivity, odd things happen,” Kevin McGowan of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology in Ithaca, N.Y., told ABCNews.com. “The way penguins work is they do get paired for a long time. Basically, the only other penguin they care about is their mate, so it’s important for them to find somebody who’s compatible, and if you don’t have a normal upbringing then it’s difficult to say how ‘normal’ they can be.”

What? Excuse me but is this the Iranian zoo we're talking about here? Clearly the ABC News reporter was mistaken when he wrote "Toronto Zoo". Toronto is the center of liberal thought east of the Mississippi. How could the "Toronto" zoo possibly be thinking about separating two "gay" animals? After all - aren't WE animals? Is the implication here that ALL animals are not "normal" who act out in a homosexual manner? It sure does seem to be.

Here's another VERY enlightening aspect to this story.

"...if you don’t have a normal upbringing then it’s difficult to say how ‘normal’ they can be.”

Clearly the zoo officials are implying that living "gay" is abnormal. So the zoo is willing to admit, albeit inadvertently, that for penguins at least it would be more "normal" to live as heterosexual and that "normal upbringing" would result in "normal" heterosexual activity. The alternative is, according to the Toronto zoo, abnormal.

Can we please at least hope these types of slips into sanity-land become more and more "normal" as society, whether aware of it or not, becomes more and more fed up with accepting abnormal and socially destructive activity? Indeed we can.

See story from ABC News here.


  1. I'm going to move the FB comment over here. ... Rapley says: " if you don’t have a normal upbringing then it’s difficult to say how ‘normal’ they can be. ” If you ever have the privilege to ask a same sex attracted human to download details of his or her life over to course of a few weeks or months, you will generally find the following: 1.) The like gendered parent didn't express love. 2.) A TOTAL absence of " the talk ". 3.) A VERY early physical same sex stimulus experience caused by the lack of parental expressed love by the like gendered parent, or an absence of the parent thereof. Once parental " agape" love is not wired into a child, it's nearly impossible to "fix it" , but not impossible. ... When a human doesn't know how to love it's BAD-BAD news because physical contact, or 'eros' love will scab over the breech of the void of parental love. Additionally; even a heterosexual human will not love "appropriately" if parental love is not given to a child. ANY TIME "eros" love substitutes for agape...the human is in for a rough life !
