Zev Porat

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Current WAR DRUMS confirm PPSIMMONS Video on Iran vs Arabs

The PPSIMMONS channel posted a video a while back showing evidence that Barack Obama was/is an Arab plant pushed into power by the Saudis to destroy Iran and the US. We can clearly see evidence on the news every day that Obama is bent on destroying the US but now more than ever we are witnessing the fulfillment of the desired end of Iran as we know them. This seems to be steam-rolling ahead just as the PPSIMMONS ministry channel predicted.

With over 3 million views it's a popular video but now we are witnessing a two-fold reality playing out. We see the destruction of America AND the forthcoming and imminent destruction of Iran - just as the Saudis wanted. It's all very suspicious. However it should come as no great surprise to the Bible-believing Christians out there.

The Bible prophecies several events which will come to pass in the "end time". Seven seals will open and in the seventh seal - seven trumpets will blow. We at the PPSIMMONS ministry have shown how five of the six trumpets have already blown and we have shown this in stunning detail. Now we are witnessing the sixth trumpet which is showing signs of its beginning. This will be a big one with 1/3 of the fighting men killed - 66,666,666 men to be exact.

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