Zev Porat

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Rape, Drugs, Perversion, Urine, and Blood - The Legacy of the "OCCUPY" Movement

SoCal Street Cart Vendors Hurting After ‘Occupy’ Group Splatters Blood, Urine







The Occupiers aren’t a political movement, they are a crime wave! It started with sexual assault, drug dealing, rioting and attacks on police officers. Now Occupy Madison has been denied a permit because of a history of public masturbation:

And... the list goes on and on. This is a public display of ignorance and depravity. If this truly is the 99% then the western world is in deep trouble. However these "people" do not represent the majority because the majority do not have the time to waste on protesting against those who have because they worked for it and who pay the majority of the taxes which pay the salaries of those who are policing these people and cleaning up after them when they leave and dressing their wounds when they hurt one another etc, etc. This is a deleterious societal allowance which should only be tolerated within the rule of law - a boundary crossed long ago.

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