Monday, March 12, 2012

GOP in the South is Wrong - Obama is NOT a Muslim

The Obama campaign’s repeated insistence that the president is a Christian is having little impact in two Southern states where a new poll indicates about half of the likely GOP primary voters believe he’s a Muslim, WND reports.

Yet, of course, they are wrong. Obama is not a Muslim, all the time. Sure, he may have been a Muslim last week and once or twice last year, but not all the time, and certainly not consistently devout.

Barack Obama is a syncretist; one who is able to follow whatever philosophy is present in the room because syncretism is the conflation of all of the world's philosophies into one.

He has claimed to be a Christian. He has sided with the Muslims and actually said on many occasions that he is a Muslim, and he credited Gandhi, a Hindu, with his presidency. He was endorsed by a major Buddhist group and even his insiders are saying he's an atheist. Barack Obama is a syncretist. He is all... and he is none.


  1. I will not totally absolve myself from the idea that Obama is a syncretist, but I tend to lean a little toward the Muslim side of things - as far as his actions not his words.

    I cannot recall any past events where his administrative actions supported a Christian position. On the contrary, he has proven time and time again to actually have these things removed from his presence.
    As far as Muslim support he has not only donated money but speaks on behave of the Islamic community when it comes to the weakening of the Israeli borders (as per 1967).
    And lest we forget that the koran points out that it's OK to lie to the infidel. Just a thought...

  2. Obama is simply using the Muslim thing to bring down Christians and Jews.
    In my opinion, of course.
    It is also my opinion he us the antichrist who will bring down Babylon and usher in the NWO by giving over his throne, power and authority to the first beast which, in turn, will have the false prophet (muslim Jesus?) Running around making people accept his creepy mark and forcing people to worship him.
    To me, baraq o bamah (the ancient Hebrew pronunciation of "lightening from heaven/or the heights" which is the description Yeshua used in describing apparently) is the only one, right now, the antichrist could be.
    Again, just my opinion...
