Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Why Candidates Should NOT Bow Out til Convention

Today, March 13th is primary day in several states in America. 116 delegates are up for grabs—including 49 in Alabama, 38 in Mississippi, 20 in Hawaii and 9 in American Samoa. But none of the states are "winner take all"—which means there is little opportunity for Santorum or Gingrich to make big gains on Romney as long as the front-runner finishes a close second or third place.

However the call by many pundits for everyone but Mitt to drop out now (or sooner) boggles the mind somewhat; as though today' primaries shouldn't mean anything. Conservative bloggers and others opining in the op/ed sections of newspapers and radio shows would deny the voters of the remaining states their right to cast their vote for their "man".

In the past, there have been far worse primary seasons and we need only look to the recent past for some very juicy material to make our point. The Democrat primary race of '08 was, for lack of a better word, nasty! Who could ever forget the rivalry between Hillary and Barack? Yet, when it came right down to the wire, a deal was made behind closed doors and Obama became the nominee and won the general.

So let us, as conservatives, not allow the liberal democrat pundits plant seeds of discontent into the minds of the republican electorate. Let us allow the voters to make their choice in every state and carry the race to the end... no matter where it leads. After all, it's an election!

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