Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rick Warren - "I'm NOT a Freemason!"

We hate rumors and gossip. Generally speaking it's always best to get the facts from the source. That's not to say the source can always be trusted but it is important to get as much information as we can from the source, compare it with the facts on the ground, how the source acts in public, and what the source says in relation to how it acts and who owns the microphone and/or camera.

So we fired off an e-mail to the Warren camp about allegations that Rick Warren is a Freemason. Freemasonry is a fraternal organization which conflates many of the world's religions and philosophy into one ideology including Islam and Christianity.

Many people assumed Rick Warren is a Freemason because of his push to include Muslim groups in his "ministry" outreach to bring about a "common good", calling Muslims his "brothers". See our article outlining the evidence for this here.

So there's really no question Rick Warren has crossed a few lines here. He is promoting the idea that Muslims, who the Bible calls "cursed" and who clearly qualify as "unequally yoked" when Christians seek to unite with them, can be "good" people who Christians should be willing to work with to promote a better world.

So it's no wonder people are making the assumption Warren is a Freemason, yet, he doesn't have to be so in order for Warren to hold his views. Barack Obama is not a Freemason and he holds very similar syncretic views. So we sent off an email to the Warren camp and received a response.

Dear Sir...
Can you confirm or deny rumors that you are a member of the freemasons?
Thank you.
Michael D. Shoesmith
Social Networking Director
PPSIMMONS Ministries

Linda Black, Representative for Rick Warren -

Dear Michael,
Pastor Rick is NOT a member/attender of the freemasons. This is a RUMOR.
Thanks for coming to us for the truth.
Well there it is. Warren is emphatically "NOT" a Freemason according to his rep. It makes sense that he would not be a Freemason. We are pursuing this matter however. We have responded with questions about Warren's membership in the CFR and asked about his reference to Muslims as his "brothers". Stay tuned.

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