Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lead Arpaio Investigator to Appear on FREEDOM FRIDAY

Sheriff Arpaio's lead investigator in the "Cold Case Posse" tasked with investigating the authenticity of the documents offered by President Barack Obama which were supposed to identify his place of birth and eligibility to be President will appear in a rare interview with eligibility expert Carl Gallups on Freedom Friday April 20 which airs on WEBY out of Pensacola Fl.

Mike Zullo was front and center at the press conference which detailed the findings of the investigation which found that there are essentially no reliable documents in existence which verify Obama's eligibility and which are certifiably non-fraudulent.

So be sure to tune in to the WEBY website April 20 from 5 to 7 pm eastern time (4-6c) and hear the evidence for yourselves. Do not miss this.

Carl Gallups is the long-time Senior Pastor of Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, Florida (Since 1987.) He is a conference leader, evangelist, youth evangelist, talk radio host, (Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups) talk radio and television special guest commentator, newspaper columnist, video and voice-over specialist, radio program producer, documentary video producer and member of the Board of Regents for theUniversity of Mobile in Mobile, Alabama. For 10 years Carl served as a national youth evangelist for the SBC., Nashville, Tennessee. Carl was one of the original TRUE LOVE WAITS presenters and has preached in tandem with Josh McDowell at a TLW/Right From Wrong Conference.

Carl is one of the founders and a major contributor of video teaching material to the viral and now, world famous -
PPSIMMONS You Tube ministry and Biblical apologetics channel. Several of his videos have been featured stories on CNN, MSNBC, Keith Olbermann, Rachael Maddow,, numerous syndicated talk radio programs and other media sources. Carl has made several television appearances as a guest commentator including one in Toronto, Canada on the Richard Syrett Show.

Carl is a popular Tea Party Speaker and was the lead-off speaker at the Daytona Beach Florida State Tea Party Convention in November 2011. Other speakers that night were C. Edmund Wright, Kevin Johnson and Pamela Gellar.

Carl is a published author. His book - THE MAGIC MAN IN THE SKY - Competently Defending The Christian Faith (WND Books) will be released in May 2012.

Carl is also a former Florida law enforcement officer. In his career, he was the recipient of the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year award as well as two commendations of valor. He is a graduate of Florida State University and The New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

Carl's passion is dedicated to advancing the Kingdom of Jesus and restoring America's heart for God

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