Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Small Town Preacher Goes Up Against Big Time Atheist

Carl Gallups, author of the book "The Magic Man in the Sky", asks the question - "What if?"

What if an Ancient Book written 3000 years ago predicted dozens and dozens of specific and detailed events in the future; amazingly and seemingly impossible events; yet they all came true?

What if many of those prophecies focused on a specific person called "God's Messiah" or the "Christ" - a coming one? And what if this was the only book in the world to speak of such a coming one and to give these details in prophecy fashion?

What if the prophecies about this coming one fortold such facts as

- The place of his birth.

- The exact location of his birth.

- That he would come out of Egypt.

- That he would begin his ministry in Galilee.

- That he would preform amazing miracles.

- An exacting formula for the very day he would present himself as Messiah (Dan 7).

- That he would be rejected and beaten.

- That he would be crucified (Psalms 22, Zechariah 12).

- That the very words used to mock him were recorded (Psalms 22).

- That they would gamble for his clothing under his cross (Psalms 22).

- That he would be ressurected before full 3 days had passed (Psalms 16).

And what if ALL those and many more specific prophecies like these were fulfilled in only one person who ever lived? Out of 7 billon people alive now and billions who lived before now - only one - just one single solitary human being has EVER fulfilled all the prophecies to the letter, every exacting detail. And what if, just what if history and these amazing books in the New Testament record the fulfillment of those prophecies? And what if the calendars of the world were changed to mark the fulfillment of these amazing and statistically impossible prophecies?

But what if this amazing and ancient book went on to prophesy that a singular nation, Israel, would be brought out of another nation, Egypt, and it would be established as the nation that God would use to bring into existence his Word, his prophets, his church, his Holy Spirit, and the Gospel? And yet first this nation would go into thousands of years of exile because it would be disobedient to God but that God would eventually bring this nation back and restore its language, borders, peoples, government, glory and power? And what if, down through thousands of years of recorded human history, all of this, every single bit of it, happened. What if we see it on your television set everyday and what if only one book in all the world ever made such astonishing statements and predictions, yet they all came true anyway? And what if God declared in that book, thousands of years ago, that when we saw these things happen we would know that he was God, and only he was God, and that this was in fact - His Word.

Would these things just be a coincidence? Mathematically impossible coincidences?

Or might you believe that this ancient book was somehow supernatural, inspired, maybe even the Word of God from the Spirit of God himself? The one who moved ancient men of God to pen the words that would reveal the Glory of God to us - especially us?

What might YOU believe about these things?

If there was just one other book in the world that even came close to these amazing truths we might look at it differently, but there is not one, not even ONE that even comes close. Why is that? Because THIS is the Word of the Living God and Yahweh is God and Jeshua is his Christ.

Yet with all this evidence and more, Richard Dawkins refuses to concede. His book, "The Magic of Reality", as boldly declared by those who reviewed it, seeks to indoctrinate children of all ages into the most closed-minded delusion imaginable.

Now a small town preacher is taking on Dawkins with a powerful new book called "The Magic Man in the Sky". It is a book heralded as a definitive expose on that which most people already know. Gallups proves the existence of God in this first of his works by using rational, clearly understood language and finally closes to door to the doubt which plagues so many because of people like Richard Dawkins.

So order your copy today. Get the book which, even before its release, has made it to number one in its category on Amazon. Do it now.

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