Monday, April 23, 2012

Obama Admits: "Iran Threatened to Destroy Israel"

Yahoo's "The Ticket" reported today on President Barack Obama's visit to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. where he  unveiled new sanctions targeting Iran and Syria and extended American aid in the hunt for Joseph Kony, the Lord's Resistance Army warlord.

In a stunning statement hidden in plain view as a "matter of fact" admission Obama confirmed that Iran has outright threatened to destroy Israel.

"When faced with a regime that threatens global security and denies the Holocaust and threatens to destroy Israel, the United States will do everything in our power to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon," he stressed.

This has been a bone of contention even in the Republican primary as Ron Paul has hinted that he doesn't see Iran as an unwarranted threat and supposed they should be excused for desiring atomic weapons since Israel has them, or so goes the logic.

Yet Israel has never threatened to wipe out Iran and has only ever suggested that Iran's nuclear ambitions be undone because Iran's leadership has expressed a desire to cleanse the land of the infidel presence - and that means Israel must disappear.

Barack Obama has confirmed this information in today's comments at the Memorial Museum; something most of us have always known. Question: what will be done about it? Answer: stay tuned! Now - if we could only get Alex Jones and Ron Paul to finally admit it!

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