Monday, April 23, 2012

Romney to Snub "Birthers" by Choosing Rubio?

Marco Rubio is the latest among potential vice presidential picks to hit the campaign trail with Romney, but the first since the frontrunner's main rival Rick Santorum bowed out of the Republican race two weeks ago.

Rubio has been named a favorite to run along side Romney in the race for the White House but there's just one small problem: he's not eligible.

The last sentence of the twelfth amendment of the constitution of the United States reads:

  "But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."
Clearly, with the obvious context of that sentence in mind, by choosing Rubio as VP candidate to run with him Romney would be directly slapping those with legitimate eligibility concerns in the face.

Marco Rubio is not eligible to be president or vice president because his father was not a citizen when Rubio was born. Since the President must be born on American soil with both parents as American citizens this would disqualify Rubio.

However Wolf Blitzer of CNN said on his April 23 "Situation Room" program that Romney will not likely choose Rubio anyway because he is too young and too inexperienced.

So we continue to speculate - however - a clear message needs to be sent to Mormon hopeful Mitt Romney that there are powerful voices out there who require a clear reading of the eligibility issue and would be insulted and ultimately alienated by Mitt Romney should he decide to ignore the voices which have rallied against Barack Obama's eligibility and the failure of congress to vet the President.

See the eligibility archives at the official website for "birther" expert Carl Gallups here. See an extensive video playlist on the issue here. Educate yourself on this matter and let your voice be heard.

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