Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Obama Campaign: "Romney most Unpopular Nominee in Presidential Campaign History"‏

The latest email coming out of the Obama campaign headquarters is a long one; praising the Obama faithful for donating in large numbers and asking for more.

Jim Messina, Obama's campaign chief, calls on supporters to refocus efforts on the General election since the Republicans seem to be calling for the primary election to end, according to Messina. He says:

"Today's an important day in this race for another reason: Mitt Romney won three more primaries last night, and an increasing number of folks in the Republican Party establishment are calling for the GOP nominating process to come to an end. (No surprise there: It's been a disaster for their party and may well be producing a candidate that will be the most unpopular nominee in presidential campaign history.)"

Wait a minute! Where was Jim Messina in 2008 when Hillary and Barack were at each other's throats and Hillary threatened to unload bomb-shell evidence calling into question the very eligibility of Obama to even BE President? The primary race in the Democrat Party on 08 made this year's GOP race look like a luncheon in Mr. Rogers' neighborhood. Aside from that, Romney has the support of key conservative thinkers who believe that in spite of previous bad decisions Romney has emerged out of the primary ashes a solid conservative. Among those are conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

Even though Mitt Romney's Mormon "faith" creates a hesitancy in the minds of evangelicals who may contemplate staying home on voting day rather than pull the lever for a man who believes Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers, the campaign will need to emphasize that there is no religious test for the office of president. People must vote for president as they would in choosing a barber or a plumber. The best man for the job - in this case running America. And the best way to run America is by conservatism, capitalism, and common sense. In other words - Obama must go.

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