Tuesday, April 3, 2012

World's "Second Worst Person" Writes Best Seller

Carl Gallups, the man Keith Olbermann once labeled the second worst person on earth, has now written a best selling book.

THE MAGIC MAN IN THE SKY published by WND books only became available for pre-order a few days ago and, though not yet available in stores, it has already made the top ten in it's category on Amazon.

The book has it's own Facebook page and twitter account as well as it's own youtube channel.

In Mr. Gallups' book he not only exposes the fallacious reasoning behind the worldview which encapsulates modern atheism but he takes the discussion to an entirely new level. He actually succeeds at proving the existence of God.

Be one of the first to read what is sure to be the biggest literary work of it's kind in many years. Pre-order yours now. Because even though Keith Olbermann's career may be over you're going to be hearing a lot more of the name Carl Gallups.

1 comment:

  1. reblogged on http://talonspoint.wordpress.com/2012/04/03/keith-olbermans-worlds-second-worst-person-writes-best-seller/
